A Turkish citizen planted a rare type of fruit on his land for fun, and it reaped profits he had never dreamed of
A Turkish citizen planted a rare type of fruit on his land for fun, and it reaped profits he had never dreamed of 14-130
Within the city of Trabzon in Turkey, Turkish citizen Fatih Aktaş transforms his 4-acre land into a farm to grow blueberries instead of tea plants, achieving annual revenues estimated at about 300 thousand Turkish liras. At first, Aktash products had difficulties in selling, but now they are in increasing demand.
Fatih Aktaş, 46, lives in the Trabzon region and started growing blueberries 17 years ago on the recommendation of the Chamber of Agriculture. Despite the challenges he faced, Aktaş did not give up and continued with his project until now. Thanks to the support he received from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, he improved his business through alternative tea cultivation.
Aktaş brought 1,200 blueberry seedlings from abroad and planted them instead of tea in his 4,000 square meter field. Despite having no prior experience in blueberry production, Aktaş has improved his skills over time.
Although the products were not in demand at first, Aktaş now sells his products in bulk at prices ranging between 50-60 TL per kilo. He buys 4-5 tons of his own products annually, as he expresses satisfaction with the high demand. Aktaş explains that growing blueberries is a difficult and troublesome challenge compared to tea, and suggests that those who do not like hard work should not choose this job.
No one was looking at him at first! He earns 300,000 TL annually from the blueberries he grew in his tea garden.
A Turkish citizen planted a rare type of fruit on his land for fun, and it reaped profits he had never dreamed of 14--53
“Now there is demand and need.”
Explaining that he had no previous knowledge of blueberries, Aktaş said, “I started growing blueberries in 2005 when the Chamber of Agriculture offered me this job. With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture at that time, I established my garden. I didn't know anything about growing it before.
I had 4 acres of open land here, so I decided to plant it here. Our seedlings came from abroad. I started my business with 1,200 seedlings, and I continue to do so.
This business has good profits, but it also has a problem. It's hard work. “The job is hard work. When I first started, I faced difficulties. I couldn't sell my product. Undeterred we continued, we made it this far. There is a demand for industrial products at the moment. And there is a need, too.”
No one was looking at him at first! He earns 300,000 TL annually from the blueberries he grew in his tea garden.
A Turkish citizen planted a rare type of fruit on his land for fun, and it reaped profits he had never dreamed of 14-131
“A product that requires attention and time”
The people who will work can do the job. Blueberries cannot be a substitute for tea. Tea is a local product for us. Our best product. “It can be done near the river.”

Source: websites