Today's legend is the great scientist Nikola Tesla
Today's legend is the great scientist Nikola Tesla  1----75
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-born physicist and electrical engineer. He was born on July 10, 1856 and died on January 7, 1943. He is one of the greatest scientists and inventors in history. He made many inventions and discoveries that affected many aspects of our daily lives. Here is some information about him:
Alternating Current (AC): Tesla invented the alternating current system, which is considered the primary electrical system in the world today. His inventions in the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current were key in the development of the modern electrical system.
Alternating current electric motor: Tesla invented the alternating current electric motor, which is widely used in industry and electrical appliances even today.
Experiments in the field of wireless energy: He had a vision of using wireless energy to transmit energy over long distances, and he carried out experiments in this field.
Wardenclyffe Tower: Tesla built the Wardenclyffe Tower in New York, which was intended to realize his ideas about wireless power, but the project was not completed.
Radio Waves: Tesla introduced ideas about wireless communications and used them in the invention of radio before Marconi.
Entertainment and strange experiments: Tesla was a strange and unique personality, and he would display his experiments and inventions in science fairs and entertainment shows, which made him a famous and beloved figure in his time.
Nikola Tesla is one of the most prominent scientists in history, and his scientific legacy still affects our lives today.
Strange information about Nikola Tesla:
Nikola Tesla was able to solve complex integration problems in his head...which made his teachers think he was cheating.
Nikola Tesla slept only two hours a day, and he would take a nap for several minutes from time to time during the day to charge his battery, as he put it.
Journalist Kenneth Swayze, a friend of Tesla, confirmed that he rarely slept and stayed awake at work for days on end, which caused him problems when he was in his mid-twenties.
In 1898, Nikola Tesla was able to deceive the public that he could control a small boat (toy) using his voice, ordering it to turn right and left using his voice commands, but the truth was that Tesla had invented a control device via radio waves and was driving the boat using a remote control device (remote). control)
Nikola Tesla died poor and destitute at the age of 85 in a modest hotel in New York. During his life he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Some of his acquaintances say that he used to wipe the dinnerware more than once before using it
Many of Tesla’s inventions are secret, and after he died in 1943, the United States obtained all of his papers, and only parts of them were published 73 years after his death..
“The joy of life is to live it your way, not the way of others.”
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each person according to his work and achievements... They... own the present,, but the future
And what I worked for is rightfully mine
If we could transform hate,,,
Into electrical enable us to light up the entire world at night...!!
?Are you a fan of this great world

Source: websites.