The Unknown Inventions of Nikola Tesla
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?Why was the greatest inventor erased from people's memory
Nikola Tesla
?!?Was it because he was ahead of his era by many stages and stages
This may be a really good reason, that Tesla's exceptional works opened the doors wide for the emergence of great high-  level technology... At a time when most of the world's population still rides horses and cattle and cows are still considered essential elements of  daily life.
Tesla's Colorado Springs laboratory in 1899.
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Nikola Tesla tested high electrical potentials in the year 1899, modern science is unable to repeat this process until today
In other words... Technology of this level may cause a great shock to people whose horizons are still very limited so that they do not exceed the limits of caring for the miserable details of their daily lives. Believe it or not... The technology that Nikola Tesla invented is still a shock.
Even for us... in this advanced age! Do you want proof of what you just said? What will be your reaction when you learn about the fact that Tesla was able to transmit electricity wirelessly more than a ?!century ago?!!...Are you shocked
Warden Cliff station in New York to transmit electricity wirelessly
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Yes, sir... He did that, and with a high efficiency that exceeds the efficiency of transmission by wire, and in order to understand this scientifically, you must
First throw away, burn or tear up everything you learned about electricity in school...then get ready to start over. With a new mentality, a new outlook, and a new concept.
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Nikola Tesla demonstrated the phenomenon of wireless electricity through many photographs
Of course, of course...
 There are many among us who do not believe this talk and say that it represents nothing but illusions and nonsense.. If this technology really existed, we would use it now.. and Tesla's star would shine to !surpass that of Albert Einstein
Destroying the transmission tower built by Tesla.. It was destroyed using explosives.
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This previous talk only happens when the planet is ruled by benevolent people. They strive to perpetuate goodness among peoples.
The doctrine preached by Tesla completely contradicts the doctrine of Einstein, Maxwell, Lorentz, Hertz... and other famous scientists, and  this means a complete and integrated scientific approach.. It has its heroes, saints, and priests... If they accept Tesla's doctrine, it will collapse immediately!
And most importantly of all: it will destroy the beneficiaries who intentionally designed this scientific method to drain us financially, spiritually and intellectually.
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The Unknown Inventions of Nikola TeslaThis is how Tesla imagined the world after the spread of his wireless electricity system. Planes, ships, cars... they all run on wireless electricity
It was a truly precious opportunity for humanity.
Ship model with Teleprevision
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Tesla remote control..
 Scientists and engineers of that period had great difficulty understanding the working principle of  this magical device
Most of the elements of the Marconi radio system
It's stolen from Tesla's patents
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of Tesla in the year 1943. But what did the poor man gain after he died  months earlier. In addition, Marconi is still considered the "Father of Radio" !today
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The spark space system, without which the wireless system does not work, belongs to Nikola Tesla, and he developed it during his first attempts at
?Sending electricity wirelessly and not just telegraphic signals
Figure 2 - Cabinet, wireless installation.
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Most of the components of the old radio transmitters are Tesla's invention during his extraordinary experiments on the transmission of electricity
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The spark suppression system, a device commonly used in the first walkie-talkies, could only come from the mind of a genius.
At the level of Nikola Tesla, this device was also invented during its tests to send electricity wirelessly
Just one man!... Granting humanity a vast array of technologies, applications and wonders. And our lives as human beings are in a better state as a  direct result of his extraordinary actions. But the question still imposes itself: Why did this man become so neglected ?and unknown in this way before
?!fellow scientists and academics as well as the masses
Perhaps the main reason is due to the works of Tesla that people did not realize and never heard about. Those actions that were not known outside the corridors of the intelligence world and the laboratories of the ministries of defense of the superpowers!
When Tesla died at the age of 87, his scientific legacy of 700 very important patents went into the realm of secrets.
Everyone has forgotten him, except for the US government.
 Tesla's possessions, consisting of piles of tons of scientific papers, ideas, technologies and blueprints, were stored in secret government locations for ten years after his death.
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Even in the period of his life, Nikola Tesla saw
Many of his inventions are under investigation by the army and then adopted in secret military laboratories.
Officials claim that his work has been entirely filmed and stored on microfilms, and the government has continued to deny any existence of weapons.
Secrecy Between Tesla Papers.
?!!Nikola Tesla's secret weapons
Yes...the weapons that Tesla used to announce in his statements on various occasions. .
 It is true that everyone was accusing him of madness, but that did not mean that he really was.
 We have already mentioned that this man is centuries ahead of his time, not just decades! For this reason, even the brightest minds of his day could not comprehend or comprehend any word he was saying while talking about strange and wondrous technologies that seemed more like illusions than applicable scientific fact.
 But the US government knew very well that this man was serious about what he said!
In the following paragraphs, we will get to know a small sample of the amazing technologies developed by Nikola Tesla, whose primary goal was to serve humanity, but unfortunately, it went to inappropriate destinations as it was monopolized and used for unknown purposes, and it is certainly not for the benefit of humanity.
The secret "runaway" program,H.AARP
Tesla has stated on one occasion that "Warden Cliff" can be used to modify the weather as desired and demand!
It is true that this statement exposed him to a great deal of ridicule, as no one paid him any serious attention, but the only party that cared was the government!
Evidence for this is what we know today as the top-secret "Fugitive" project! It's a top secret government programme
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Which some experts believe represents the first stage in entering a new era of weapons technology.
Through the work of research and discovery comes responsibility...
Tesla was aware of this when he developed the runaway technology.
 He got scared
As is the case with many now, the fear that this dangerous technology will fall into the hands of inappropriate parties, and this is what made him hide his new discovery from everyone.
 But despite all this, in the end I went to those dark sides..and God will help me.
When Tesla introduced this technology, his goal was to modify the weather in a way that suited the population.
We all know that adjusting the weather in a particular region may improve agricultural conditions, for example, or make the temperature suitable for residents near the polar regions with very cold weather, and other civil uses that can be benefited from.
It is true that he mentioned some military uses as well, as he said:
That this technology can stimulate the Earth's magnetic field in a way that enables it to create a shield of a special kind around a city! But that was in one of his enthusiastic speeches in response to a question posed about the possibility of the country being attacked from abroad, and he later retracted his statement.
As for the "Harp" technology that exists now, which is based on those assumptions proposed by Tesla in the thirties, its aim is more war and strategic than civilian.
 In fact, few people believe this technology exists at all.
 But they do exist, and one of these stations distributed in several places around the world has been exposed, and the images that have been exposed belong to the station in Alaska.
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Alaska Secret Station
The "Harp" program was designed based on atmospheric physics, where a large number of antennas are installed over a wide area.
hectares, and then broadcasts into the ionosphere a very, very complex series of waves.
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These waves are specially designed to blend with the ionosphere, which is essentially a resonating cavity. This concept has to do with heating the ionosphere in a way
It looks exactly like a giant microwave oven.
The designers of the modern "Harp" program claim that this project was found as a basis to act as a shield that repels ICBMs.
By damaging its electronic circuits by burning with high temperature.
Secret runaway program: focus on a small region of the ionosphere
But Fugitive was designed primarily for multiple applications, and was not actually built for use as a weapon, Bernard claims.
Eastlund, who is considered the inventor of the modern model of this technology, that by heating the upper regions of the atmosphere, the technology can
"Runaway" to affect the course of natural weather. This is a concept that led to ridicule for Tesla nearly a century ago.
Being there... no un nor what to grieve! The potential for HARP technology to cause significant ground distortions, including
Changes in weather, global warming, or even slowing down Earth's orbit by distorting the shape of the ionosphere, may reveal to us
The real reason Tesla hid the blueprints for this new invention. He even stopped working on the shield project
The defensive system, which he designed in the year 1905 AD, because he realized that the mere existence of a frequency system of only five towers around the world could cause the destruction of humanity!
The defensive system as envisioned by Tesla in 1905
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Molecular beam cannon
The main weapon around which the Star Wars race between the superpowers revolves
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It has become well known to military researchers that the Soviet Union reached full readiness for Star Wars in 1968! And when we say star wars, we're talking about a completely different kind of weapon.
The former head of Air Force Intelligence, General George Keegan, spoke about the main weapon the Russians are using in their space war program.
"...we learned from very sensitive sources that in 1977, in outer space, the Soviets had tested the most powerful laser in
History.. It is ten times more powerful than any laser
He continues:
“...After I became the head of Air Force Intelligence, my first task was to place this apparatus at the top of the intelligence priorities
.... That is why we held a meeting of 40 or 50 of the most prominent nuclear scientists in the free world, such as "Edward Teller" and others. And these
The scientists spent 6 years and a budget of $60 million working on a secret project called "CSU"... trying all this time.
They wanted to develop an electronic package that could shoot down intercontinental missiles, but they failed.
General Keegan describes this Russian weapon:
".. What comes out of this magnetic tube are pulses of proton cores, each with a strength of 100 billion billion electron volts.
And with an energy level estimated between 100 and 110 joules.. and this is an amount of energy that no one in the United States imagined.... and then
You have to deflect that beam and make it through the airspace, and all you have to do is look for some target to aim at..."
In an article published on November 3, 1988, Pilgert of The Washington Times writes:
...the Chinese army is developing laser weapons and it already possesses particle beam weapons that have the ability to disable electronic devices.
Sensitivity in satellites intended for espionage purposes..”
If the People's Liberation Army has radiological weapons, what about ?the United States Army
Seems like there has been a lot of progress since the seventies. This is confirmed by the reports leaked from the darkness of the top-secret military world. As one of the employees of the US Navy Special Forces says during his talk about their current military capabilities:
We already have molecular beam weapons, and we've used them before... and we've done underwater and over water tests...
 Its ability is really amazing. It can shoot down a satellite, a ship, an airplane... anything..."
While delving into this unfamiliar topic, we must pay attention to a very important point.
 This weapon, although they call it the "molecular beam cannon", does not depend at all on something called a molecule, electron, or anything else (as we will see later).
 It relies on a scientific logic that completely contradicts the prevailing logic.
 Therefore, the following question must arise: if scientists and academics follow a scientific logic that has nothing to do with this type of technology?
 (which does not deal with electrons, protons, etc.)
 On what basis and according to what concept was it discovered and ?!developed?! And by whom
The strange thing is that what made the Star Wars program possible is this radioactive weapon that has been developed by
many parties in the world.
Who unleashed this extraordinary branch of scientific research and development?!
It seems that we will find the answer to these questions by going back almost a hundred years.
 We will start with the interesting article that was received
In the New York Times on July 11, 1934 AD, where she stated that Nikola Tesla had developed a killer ray! She says:
"'s a particle beam weapon that can destroy 10,000 planes at a distance of 250 miles... Tesla says his plan to produce
This device within 3 months may cost 2 million dollars.
Because of his enormous destructive capabilities, Tesla believed that if he could erect 12 towers, he could represent a weapon to end all wars..."
What made the Star Wars program possible was this radioactive weapon developed by Nikola Tesla nearly a hundred years ago.
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Tesla's radiation device was not properly understood. I mentioned the reason earlier.
 Academics could not catch up with this man and absorb any of his statements about strange technologies that in this era exclude their existence.
Therefore, he remained deprived of the recognition and respect he deserves from the official scientific community.
 And when he spoke of deadly radiation against Hitler and the Nazis,
People thought he had lost his mind!
 This device was still considered so magical at that time that it was impossible to build it.
 They dismissed the topic as just one of the science fiction novels that Tesla was raving about.
The Tesla killer ray was an intense beam of electrostatic acceleration discharged in single, flashing pulses.
direction. They are pulses of very high electrical potentials. If the velocity is very high, it is no longer necessary for there to be particles
Solid until this radiation causes massive destruction. If you get a continuous stream of these directed electrostatic pulses, you will
Wreak havoc on the target you want. He can, for example, catch a missile flying in outer space!
 (We'll talk about the principle
in detail later during Tesla's discovery of radiant energy).
This exciting statement by Tesla made headlines at that time, and journalists began analyzing and fabricating this technology that
Disclosed by Tesla:
"..with only 12 towers strategically distributed across the United States, Tesla says his new wireless power can protect the United States from all attacks that will be exposed to it.."
“...with the world on the brink of World War II, the US government began to take an interest in the Tesla Killer Beam
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Tesla cannon diagram of molecular beams
The New York Times published at the time says:
"...The Tesla beam, which can send focused particle beams through the air to cause the fall of millions of soldiers, is the most important
Nikola Tesla's inventions...
But after a period of time, and with the passage of years and decades... the whole world forgot the deadly Tesla beam!
With the exception of several secret agencies that remained working in the dark.
After Tesla presented this weapon as a donation to the US government, as a noble patriot who supported his country in times of war, he changed his mind
suddenly! He retracted his decision.
Tesla considered the use of this weapon by only one government impossible.
Therefore, he distributed the application charts, in different and separate parts, to the governments of England, Canada, America and Russia.
Forcing them to sit together and cooperate together in order to apply this invention to the stage of perfection.
 He was fully aware that humans are not conscious enough to handle such a weapon
Lethal. That's why Tesla put these different governments in a position to cooperate.
 There is firm evidence that Tesla gave the blueprints to the Russians who were on the Allied side at that time.
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Most of the military sectors in the superpowers use this radioactive cannon, especially in the navy, and more specifically in the
aircraft carriers.
In the seventies of the last century, an article appeared in the magazine "Aviation" talking about the Russian partial beam weapon.
 In fact, no one knew about Tesla's weapon until ten years later, after it was revealed by scientist and inventor Andrea Buharish. The surprising thing is that Tesla's weapon blueprints were completely identical to the Russian weapon blueprints!
Drawings related to this weapon
Retired Colonel T. Bearden:
 (Electrical engineer and expert in nuclear energy)
... Tesla talked about a long line of very powerful weapons. I think this is possible and rational, and let's look at it from the following angle: As far as I know, I am confident that this weapon exists. Several countries have been able to manufacture it. We know that the Russians
They were interested, from a very early time, in areas such as free energy extracted from a vacuum in addition to their interest in the field of
?Weapons... But what happened with Tesla's weapon
 No one has heard of him since then, they must be hiding him somewhere.
Or maybe they are using it now, or maybe it is in Earth orbit in space... We don't know.
There is no doubt that the Soviets are in possession
On these weapons, and if what I concluded is correct, and I am sure that it is, then three other countries in the world have been able to develop this weapon..
During the frantic global race to acquire new technology, it turns out that Tesla's deadly ray wasn't the only secret invention hidden after !!his death
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earthquake maker
mechanical oscillator
 As described in Tesla's patent US Patent #514,169 Scientific.
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Tesla used this method of transmitting mechanical energy using telegeodynamics, which is the transmission of sound vibrations.
generated by a simple mechanical device. The matter does not depend on the mechanical aspect, but rather the secret lies in a certain effect that the device embodies during the operation
Currency. This small machine can generate waves of everything that has moved away from it, as it grows larger and becomes more destructive.
Causing the collapse of a large building consisting of several floors, just by touching the device with one of its pillars.
Of course, the aim of creating this amazing oscillator was civilian in the first place. A machine could be made based on this principle.
So that you can break up a large solid rock after touching it in a few seconds.
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Civil uses for this oscillator
The rocks can be broken apart without any difficulty, and without making any kind of annoying sound!
But as always, this simple technology has been used for inhumane purposes, such as making earthquakes and causing humanitarian disasters.
Tens of thousands of people are killed! The government has built a special earthquake-making device based on Tesla's principle.
This is confirmed by those working/involved in the top-secret laboratory world, whether they are intelligence officers, geological engineers or
Just items and people.
“..I am a geologist and I know what I am talking about. When the Kobe earthquake occurred in Japan, it turned out that there were no pulsations
Pulse wave, as is usual with natural earthquakes. The same is true of the San Francisco earthquake
The latter, it is an innovation based on one of the principles of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, but is now being used for sinister ends..."
Engineer Phil Schneider
In his famous lecture delivered in 1995
Exposing the secret projects of the US government.
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Civil uses for this oscillator
The rocks can be broken apart without any difficulty, and without making any kind of annoying sound!
But as always, this simple technology has been used for inhumane purposes, such as making earthquakes and causing humanitarian disasters.
Tens of thousands of people are killed! The government has built a special earthquake-making device based on Tesla's principle.
This is confirmed by those working/involved in the top-secret laboratory world, whether they are intelligence officers, geological engineers or
Just items and people.
“..I am a geologist and I know what I am talking about. When the Kobe earthquake occurred in Japan, it turned out that there were no pulsations
Pulse wave, as is usual with natural earthquakes. The same is true of the San Francisco earthquake
The latter, it is an innovation based on one of the principles of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, but is now being used for sinister ends..."
Engineer Phil Schneider
In his famous lecture delivered in 1995
Exposing the secret projects of the US government. And monopolize it ?for themselves in their secret laboratories
