About a rectangular rock on which ARABI was discussed
About a rectangular rock on which ARABI was discussed 11329
History has become monopolized by everyone, even the cowboys and the herds, who throw themselves in like farts, with no knowledge or scientific concepts, no level of study or specialization that attracts attention. It is true who said the popular proverb circulating among the public: {History has become like a widow's wedding, and every celebrant has a role }
I am surprised when I discover in the comments and posts absurdities of the highest degree of vileness and foolishness about a rectangular rock on which the phrase ARABI is engraved in Latin.
You should have searched in reliable sources or scientific websites, and this allows you to provide supporting documents or scientific links to support your claims. Do not resort to sidewalks and cafes and pay attention to the public’s statements, as their statements are not reliable sources. Therefore, do not push yourself into positions that are higher than your size and do not keep up with your level of education.
You claim that the Arabs were in Tebessa before the Romans, but if someone asks you how did you know that? There is no doubt that you will answer that there is the word Arab in Latin on a rock in Tebessa, but why was it not written in Arabic, Phoenician, or Canaanite, according to what you promote? And what prevents them from doing so? It is written in Latin and says At the same time, the existence of Arabs before the Romans, do you not see it as a contradiction? If you accept this contradiction, then you need to visit mental institutions.
If we examine the history of North Africa, all the sources talk about Berber resistance against the Romans, Vandals, and Byzantines, led by Berber leaders and commanders, and there was no mention of an Arab, Phoenician, or Canaanite resistance led by their leaders, and even during the period of the Arab invasion, the sources did not mention the existence of an Arab, Phoenician, or Canaanite population, and even the genetic analyzes that were conducted In Tunisia, you confirmed the bankruptcy of what you call for
The word ARABI It does not necessarily mean Arabic. It may have another meaning and purpose, and its interpretation is the responsibility of the specialists. It is foolish when we attribute the inhabitants of Tebessa to the Arabs. It is just the word “Arabi” on a rectangular rock in the garden. The word may come from the Arabi Valley in ancient Kermania, or Turkish Kerman, which was once under Roman control. . If we assume that the meaning is Wadi Arabi, this does not also mean the residents of Tebessa of Turkish origin, according to your ridiculous logic.