From the sayings of Abdul Rahman bin Khaldun
From the sayings of Abdul Rahman bin Khaldun  1-3036
- Spots have an effect on character. Whenever a spot of land is moist and flowery, the more delicate the character of its residents is.
The cold and moderate climate affects people, generating in them a love of work and activity, a beautiful enthusiasm for life, and pure moods.
- If the king is oppressive and tyrannical, searching for people’s private parts and enumerating their sins, he will be filled with fear and humiliation, and perhaps they will abandon him in times of war.
- People are equal in tranquility, but if adversity comes, they differ.
- It may happen that the state takes on manifestations of power and oppression, but it is a revival that soon fades away, like a lamp when the oil runs out of it. It glows but quickly goes out.
- If a state enters menopause, it will never return to its youth, even if its rulers try to change. Every time has a state and men.
- The Bedouin people are closer to courage than the urban people, and the reason for this is that the urban people placed their south on the cradle of comfort and meekness, indulged in bliss and luxury, and entrusted the defense of their money and themselves to their governor.
- Oppressed peoples have bad morals.
From the sayings of Abdul Rahman bin Khaldun  10152
- The unjust ruler, the people show loyalty to him and harbor hatred and hatred towards him. If a calamity befalls him, they surrender to him and do not care.
- If you see countries losing their limbs, and their rulers hoarding money, sound the alarm.
- The goal of urbanization is civilization and luxury, and if it reaches its goal, it turns into corruption and begins to age, like the natural lifespan of animals.
- If corruption spreads in the state, the first stage of reform in the state is chaos.
- Whenever people lose confidence in the judiciary, the state of chaos increases, which is the first sign of reform. The judiciary is the mind of the people, and if they lose it, they lose their minds.

Source: websites