?Why did Sultan Abdul Hamid not succeed
?Why did Sultan Abdul Hamid not succeed 1---692
Another lesson we learn from Sultan Abdul Hamid: Why did the Sultan not succeed in preventing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, despite his sincerity and righteousness?
Then Sultan Abdul Hamid II responds to his critics who blamed him for his silence, his lack of resolve, and his brutality with these Freemasons, and held him responsible for the ruin and collapse of the state because he did not deter these tampering people, by saying that he was a merciful man despite his knowledge that mercy and compassion are ineffective and do not help in leading states, but he justifies, saying :
If he used force, they called him a thug and a traitor, and if he treated himself kindly and forgave, they called him weak and low! He explains that his political situation did not allow him to use force, because he was standing alone in front of a strong current, and he regrets the state of the country because of the rebels.
“As I said before: The newspapers that were published in Europe and Egypt under their various names, and the members of the association who roamed these countries, did not produce a single serious writer in the country. But the Masonic lodges - despite all our tracking of them - turned these loafers into flags. When they mobilized the officers from the members “Union and Progress”, and that is the story of the “Young Turks” and the Society of Union and Progress
Yes, this is their story, but the result we are witnessing today, unfortunately, before our eyes. They will say to me: You know all this, yet you did not confront or prevent it! Why did you close your eyes to the ruin and collapse of the state? God forbid! It is not a matter of closing an eye!
I was alert at every moment, but I couldn't help it. I was alone and they had the whole enemy world with them. My nature and circumstances helped me only to this extent.
My friends condemn me as lenient, while my enemies say that I am unjust and treacherous, and both sides are wrong! Neither I was Sultan Selim I, nor was the country of Sultan Selim I under my command! Immediately overthrowing several heads is something that is easy to say, but difficult to implement.

Everything I was able to do, I did, and if Sultan Selim I were a sultan in our time, he would be able to do what I did. I did my duty, pursued interests, was careful not to harm the people, and opposed bloodshed everywhere, but what I did was in vain. What I offered to the members of the Young Turks was not compassion. My country has become a victim of the negligence of these young Turks, and it is an negligence that cannot be forgiven.
The Crafts of the English, p. 76 - Saud Al-Sabani
-----So the lesson is not only in a good ruler like Saladin, but rather in a generation that believed in Saladin, supported him, and paved the way for him to be “the righteous of the world and the religion”!!

Source: websites