The first X-ray image
The first X-ray image  1--341
This photo is considered one of the most famous photos in the history of photography ever.
And the world picked it up
"Wilhelm Röntgen"
Röntgen later called the electromagnetic rays that he discovered in English “X-rays” - meaning x-rays in Arabic - while in Germany they were called “Röntgen rays” after their discoverer. Röntgen took the first photograph of a human body on December 22, 1895, of his wife's hand. In 1901 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics.10
(He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 - the first physicist to win it in history)

The first ever X-ray image was taken in 1895
Roentgen called the rays "X-rays" or "X-ray", meaning unknown rays, because he did not know what they were.
The picture shows his wife Bertha's hand and the famous wedding ring
Today, X-rays are considered one of the most popular and easiest diagnostic methods in the field of medicine.

Source: The official Nobel Prize website