!Arab treachery to the Amazigh
!Arab treachery to the Amazigh 11047
After the leader of the awraba state, Ishaq al-awrabi, sheltered Idris II from homelessness, protected him from fear, fed him from hunger, appointed him as the imam of the awraba state’s Bolili mosque, and married him to his daughter, Kenza al-Orbi, after he fled from his Arab family in the Arabian Peninsula;
After Leader Ishaq Al- awrabi waited with joy for the birth of his grandson from his daughter, Idris II, 15 months after the death of his father, Idris I, under the scientifically incorrect pretext of “Al-Raked.”
After Isaac the awraba, the leader of awraba, pledged allegiance to his grandson, Idris II, Farah, to succeed him, while he was a lamb, an infant, a boy, and then a young adult;
After 500 Arabized Morisco Amazighs, who fled from Andalusia and settled in the city of Fez, contacted Idris II, with financial support for them from the Aghlabids in Africa-Tunisia, behind the back of his grandfather Ishaq Al- awrabi, taking advantage of his supposed Arab father’s lineage;
After the death of Rashid al-Urbi, who had been in charge of Idris II since his birth, and the transfer of his sponsorship to Abu Khaled bin Elias, and the Moriscos’ Mozarab control of the reins of power with Idris II. They worked to create a rift between him and his grandfather, so they accused his grandfather, Ishaq al- awrabi, of being loyal to the Aghlabids, loyal to the Abbasids, who killed Idris II’s paternal grandparents. Note that the Aghlabids were behind the financial funding of the Moriscos, in order to create a dispute between Idris I and his grandfather.
Accordingly, Idris II killed his grandfather, the leader Ishaq al- awrabi, cut off his head and sent it to the Abbasids in the East. As a message from him not to tolerate those he supports.
In order to avoid European revenge, Idribs II decided to move away and separate from them, so he headed to the city of Fez and settled there, after he was received by the Amazigh Zawagha tribe. He surrounded himself with the Moorish Mozarabs, who were able to win him over and create a relationship between him and his grandfather and his awraba family.
The strange thing is that, shortly after that, the criminal Idris II did the same thing for which his grandfather was killed, as he communicated with the Aghlabids even though they were loyal to the Abbasids in the East, the killers of his ancestors!!!
!Arab treachery to the Amazigh 0--20
It seems that the Amazigh do not learn the lessons of history, because:
Queen Dehya was betrayed by the Arab child whom she sheltered and raised until he grew up, and when the Arab invaders contacted him, He showed them the place where she was resting alone, so 24 Arab soldiers surrounded her there alone, and she did not surrender until she killed half of them, so they killed her, cut off her head, and threw her body into the well. The sources confirm that one of the soldiers who participated in the attack on her refused from that time to carry a weapon, because he did not like all that number of Arab soldiers to gather against one woman, and they were unable to defeat her until she killed half of them.
Isaac the awraba was betrayed by his grandson Ibn al-Arabi Idris I, who sheltered him from homelessness, fed him from hunger, and protected him from fear.
The pages of history are full of such things, and on the lips of those who consider themselves Arabs, there is no limit and there is no embarrassment.
Is it true that the Arabs have no security or covenant, and their treachery is an inevitable reality?

Source: websites