Fear of insects? What are the benefits of insects and the role of insects in maintaining environmental balance
Fear of insects? What are the benefits of insects and the role of insects in maintaining environmental balance 13--196
The benefit of insects, the role of insects in maintaining environmental balance:
Although many of us are afraid of insects, there are those who have a phobia of seeing them and their extreme fear of being bitten or pinched. Many wonder why insects exist in the universe, what role insects play in maintaining environmental balance, or what is the benefit of the presence of insects in our world. Here is this article. .
There are many insects that some people believe are harmful, and in some cases they are actually so and help spread the infection. However, there are many benefits to insects that make their presence an urgent necessity. Glory be to God, who created everything according to His destiny. He did not create all of this in vain, but rather for a specific reason, and everything proceeds according to His will, Glory be to Him
Fear of insects? What are the benefits of insects and the role of insects in maintaining environmental balance 13-589
The benefit of insects and their role in maintaining environmental balance
There are many beneficial insects that play an important role in maintaining the environmental balance. These insects feed on harmful insects such as mosquitoes and aphids, and these insects are of vital importance in the environmental balance, which work and help in pollinating trees, plants, vegetables and fruits, of course, and help in getting rid of waste.
It is one of the most useful insects and has a vital and major role in maintaining environmental balance. The role of bees is not only limited to producing honey and its amazing nutritional and therapeutic benefits and values. Rather, bees have an important role in pollinating various trees of vegetables and fruits that provide us with fruits. However, their random use is Pesticides have a negative impact on bees and they are threatened with extinction in some countries, including China.
Despite the frightening appearance of the beetle to some, which may cause them to panic, many do not know the important role of beetles, as they are used as a natural biological weapon against lice. Beetles feed on harmful plants and scale insects. They devour about 50 lice daily, which is equivalent to thousands of lice throughout their lives.
Fear of insects? What are the benefits of insects and the role of insects in maintaining environmental balance 13-590
The beetle also helps protect agricultural fields from harmful parasites and insects without the need to use chemicals to eliminate these harmful insects that harm agricultural crops.
Ground beetles are also considered insect conquerors, as ground beetles live by hunting and feed on insects that everyone wants to get rid of, such as caterpillars and snails. These ground beetles are spread almost throughout the world.
Although a very large number of eight-legged spiders do not belong to the insect family, spiders are indeed very useful in eliminating and preying on many annoying insects such as mosquitoes, mosquitoes, aphids, and mites. Therefore, there is no need to worry, fear, or even kill spiders, but rather leave them in peace, as they will save you from The most harmful insects that cause you distress and disgust.

Many of us fear being stung by wasps, as they are definitely painful, but many do not know that wasps play an important role in maintaining the environmental balance, as wasps feed, and wasps even prey on harmful insects. Wasps like to lay their eggs inside these harmful insects after killing them and making a hole inside them. Instead, the hungry little larvae that emerged from the egg devour these harmful insects such as bugs, lice, and mites.

Source: websites