Boujloud is just a drama to watch
Boujloud is just a drama to watch  1--1549
Boujloud is a type of realistic theatre, and in its roles, a certain reality is embodied, through masks, and within the framework of a farcical style, in which many of the prevailing attitudes, events, and manifestations in society are expressed, within the framework of the mask and disguise....
The owners of Wahhabi and obscurantist thought, and many of the youth, want to fight the forms of this culture and its deep social structures, which are mainly manifested in the inheritance and continuation of some ancient Amazigh cultural forms and traditions, such as Belmaun and the Amshar Carnival.
The obscurantists promote among their flock that these people worship Satan and practice their rituals and other naive slanders that only involve ignorant and narrow-minded people who do not understand the meaning of art in general and theater in particular.
All of these celebrations have nothing to do with religion, in order to diminish or elevate it. They are a group of young people who disguise themselves and go out to the streets to celebrate Eid al-Adha, to entertain the people and get them out of the routine of work and fatigue....
There is no consolation for the dark elders and their boys...and all their lies no longer even involve young children.

Source: websites