The International Book Fair presents the pivotal role of the “Tamazight” channel in promoting Amazigh TV drama
The International Book Fair presents the pivotal role of the “Tamazight” channel in promoting Amazigh TV drama 1866
Within the framework of the activities of its institutional gallery at the 28th session of the International Book and Publishing Fair, held in Rabat, the National Radio and Television Company highlighted the pivotal role of the “Tamazight” channel in taking off the size and quality of the Amazigh TV drama, in a symposium in which a number of officials, experts and stars of the television business participated. Tamazight The Foundation also dedicated a meeting in its gallery to present the book “Tafaween: Reflections on Amazigh Culture and Creativity” by Khadija Rachouk, program producer for Channel One.
A great development for the Amazigh TV drama in terms of size and content
The activities of the symposium related to the pivotal role of the “Tamazight” channel in taking off the Amazigh TV drama, in which Mr. Abdullah Al-Talib Ali, Director of Amazigh Programs: Radio and Television, participated; Ms. Rajaa Khormaz, actress and screenwriter; The director, Mr. Mostafa Achour, in addition to the actor, Mr. Farouk Aznabat, and the scriptwriter, Mrs. Bouchra Malak, presented a number of indicators of achievement regarding the “Tamazight” channel, which was established in 2010 by the National Company for Radio and Television, with prominent roles in the appreciation, development and dissemination of the Amazigh culture and language, and highlighting linguistic pluralism. and culture of Morocco, and to contribute to activating the demarcation of the Amazigh language in the audiovisual field.
The participants stressed that the Amazigh TV drama is one of the fields that testify to the strong impact and high added value of the “Tamazight” channel in terms of developing and improving its productions quantitatively and qualitatively, which is evident, in terms of volume, in the enrichment of the channel, throughout the 13 years of its establishment, the national treasury From the Amazigh production with more than 160 Amazigh-language films in its three tributaries, and the production of more than 28 series, not to mention supporting the dynamism of the Amazigh theater by acquiring the rights to broadcast 40 plays.
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As for the impact on the content and technical quality, and thanks to the keenness of the National Radio and Television Company to unify the technical and technical quality requirements and the selection ruler in its administrative and technical stages for all its television services with public programming (Al-Awla, Laayoune Regional, Tamazight), and the mobilization of the same technical and logistical capabilities for production, the diversity of production The Amazigh drama speaks to the three linguistic tributaries of the Amazigh language, and the quality of its writing, diagnosis and filming has increased, arousing the interest of the widest audience, and embodying the slogan “Tamazight is a channel for all Moroccans.”
In this regard, the symposium revealed that what reflects this interest is the strong association recorded among viewers with the “Tamazight” channel, and the channel’s achievement of the best annual viewing rates during the presentation of the latest dramatic productions in the month of Ramadan, as the statistics for the year 2022 show that the largest viewing rates for “Tamazight” were In April, the channel was watched by 3.8 million viewers throughout the national territory. It was also noted that the channel's viewers are distributed over all regions of Morocco, as 61.7% of its viewers are in the south, 19.7% in the center of the country, compared to 10.3% in the Atlantic front, and 8.4% in the north.
Participants in the same symposium confirmed that the results achieved by the channel are consistent with the general principles of the public media service provided by the National Radio and Television Company, which makes it a public utility providing a public service based on standards of quality, professionalism, diversity and competitiveness, and organized on the basis of equal access to it among citizens. And citizens and fairness in covering the national territory, while consolidating the basic constants of the Kingdom of Morocco represented in the tolerant Islamic religion, multi-tributary national unity, constitutional monarchy and democratic choice.
The publication of “Tafawine: Reflections on Amazigh Culture and Creativity” is a unique transition from screen to book
Continuing the celebration of the National Radio and Television Company for its distinguished competencies and frameworks that combine audiovisual work with writing and authorship, the institutional gallery of the National Radio and Television Company organized, as well, a presentation of the book “Tavaween: Reflections on Amazigh Culture and Creativity”, issued by the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, by its author, Mrs. Khadija Rashouq, TV presenter and program producer on Al Oula channel.
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A group of media and cultural figures participated in presenting the book, such as Mr. Mohamed Salou, a specialist in artistic studies, literary expressions and audio production, Mr. Ahmed Assid, researcher at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, and Mr. Mohamed Aqwad, writer and literary critic.
The intervenors highlighted that this book is one of the unique experiences of transferring a pioneering television program from the screen to the helm of an elegant and comprehensive author, documenting with pen the television work “Tafaween”, which was broadcast by Channel “Al-Oula” over a period of six years during the period from 2004 to 2010, and it monitored creativity. Amazigh in the worlds of literature, music and composition, and what the Amazigh culture has accumulated at the level of folklore.

Source : websites