Ozen writes about the lessons of “Bellmoon” and our collective need to consolidate identity awareness of ourselves
Ozen writes about the lessons of “Bellmoon” and our collective need to consolidate identity awareness of ourselves 13--50
The “Boujloud” or “Boulbataine” carnival, or in Berber, “Belmaun Boudmaun”, is an authentic Moroccan Berber heritage that is usually held on the second day of Eid al-Adha, where young people wear sheep and goat skins after cleaning and drying them and put masks on their faces to create an atmosphere of celebration and carnival on the days of the happy holiday for recreation. About oneself and creating an atmosphere of fun among children and youth. It carries a solidarity dimension, as young people who participate in these celebrations collect donations from families, including money, eggs, ghee, and sacrificial meat, which are later distributed to needy families and other humanitarian endeavors.
On this basis, it is an event with anthropological roots that evokes the Sunnah of Sacrifice and the connotations it carries about sacrifice, the Day of Sacrifice, the Great Eid, and the Feast of Pilgrims.
Ozen writes about the lessons of “Bellmoon” and our collective need to consolidate identity awareness of ourselves 13--203
What may have created some negative reactions are some explanations that attribute the origin of this heritage to the sanctification of animals, which is an unconvincing proposition. So if we accept it, we will be in great contradiction with ourselves. Since most of our clothes today are made of wool and leather, it is strange that those with ready-made fatwas see no objection to wearing “jackets” made of fine leather at fantastic prices!!!!
In this context, it must be remembered that this authentic ritual needs to be protected from some disgraceful behavior so that it does not lose its cultural and solidarity essence and its symbolic and noble connotations, such as fraud and forcing passers-by to contribute under threat.
Of course, treasures of this size must be properly regulated. And creating associations concerned with introducing its goals and objectives. Ensure compliance with its goals and objectives.
Ozen writes about the lessons of “Bellmoon” and our collective need to consolidate identity awareness of ourselves 13---67
On the other hand, and in response to the theses of prohibition and criminalization of such cultural initiatives rooted in the authentic Amazigh heritage, we affirm, on the basis of our intellectual authority, that we are always against closed, stereotypical thought from any party, just as we are against the narrow funerary perspective of various Moroccan values rooted in their human, cultural, and historical depth.
What does the logic of what is permissible and what is forbidden have to do with the “Belmaon” celebration? Especially since it is organized in societies that have a deep connection to tolerant religious values, and the evidence is linking this celebration to Eid al-Adha!
Ozen writes about the lessons of “Bellmoon” and our collective need to consolidate identity awareness of ourselves 13-604
The bottom line is that we consider that the problem today is not reduced to a cultural ritual such as Boujloud or Bellamaune, but rather it is much greater than that. It is a problem of the ability to build calm and constructive dialogue and the clear inability to comprehend the new constitutional philosophy that established a Morocco of reconciliation with its history, a Morocco that embraces all... Languages and cultures Within the framework of the principle of unity in diversity, a new and authentic constitutional Morocco brought about a radical transformation in identity self-awareness and established the need for a national linguistic and cultural policy capable of transferring the popular Morocco to the official Morocco.

Source : websites