!!Imagine that this mural is more than 4,500 years old
!!Imagine that this mural is more than 4,500 years old 1-772
A mural of great beauty and fine detail, made of copper alloy, showing an eagle with the head of a lion representing the god Nynursak, the “god of storms,” along with Alin.
Notice the details of the two deer and their horns that emerge from the frame of the mural, giving it breathtaking beauty and indescribable magic!
In addition to the details of the eagle's body, the feathers that cover it, its wings, and its head, it was carved from Mesopotamia by Mesopotamian hands using the simplest materials available, but it produced for us this wonderful masterpiece that represents clear progress at the level of artistic and intellectual creativity!
This mural was found in Tell al-Ubaid in southern Iraq.
The mural is currently in the British Museum

Source: The Imdugud Relief/babylon the gate of gods/The British Museum