Neutron stars
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Neutron stars are considered one of the fastest celestial bodies in the universe rotating around their axis, as they can complete 600 to 800 complete revolutions around their axis in just one second.
Neutron stars are celestial bodies that have a mass exceeding the mass of the sun by about one and a half times, and their diameter reaches only 20 km, that is, the size of a city on the surface of the Earth. They are produced after the explosion and death of giant stars that are 3 to 8 times the mass of our sun, and they contain a very enormous density. (Its mass is very compressed) so that the weight of a teaspoon of it is equivalent to the weight of a giant mountain on the surface of the Earth. Its temperature is very high and it has a very strong magnetic field, as it is considered the strongest celestial bodies in the universe in terms of the strength of the magnetic field.
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They are called neutron stars because they are composed mainly of neutrons. This is because the giant star from which the neutron star was formed during its death was shrinking and crushing at a very high speed, which caused the atoms themselves to shrink until the electrons became very close to the atomic nucleus, so the protons in the nucleus swallow these electrons to turn into neutrons.

Source: websites