Nador College, Future of Amazigh Studies Division
Nador College, Future of Amazigh Studies Division 13-653
The multidisciplinary college in Nador - Mohammed I University of Oujda is witnessing a revolution in the level of Amazigh academic production, as recent years have witnessed several discussions of Amazigh research produced by students of the Amazigh Studies Division with the letter Tifinagh, so that this young college takes the torch of Amazigh academic research.
Nador College, Future of Amazigh Studies Division 13-654
Also, during one week, six research papers completed by students of the Master of Amazigh Arts and Culture at the Multidisciplinary College in Nador were scheduled to be discussed, starting from Monday, July 1, until the third Wednesday of the same month.
Nador College, Future of Amazigh Studies Division 13--222
This is due to the efforts made by students to accomplish and accumulate academic achievements in the Amazigh language, which contribute to creating a reference fund, and work to enrich the university and national libraries alike, in addition to the tremendous work done by the professors of this college in framing the work of their students, led by Professor Al-Yamani. Qassouh, Mr. Muhammad Sadouqi, and Mr. Jawad Al-Zawbaa...
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Source: websites