! Even the Pharaohs suffered from work-related injuries... especially “government employees and clerks”
! Even the Pharaohs suffered from work-related injuries... especially “government employees and clerks” 13-655
A new study has shown that the ancient Egyptians may have suffered from injuries in the workplace, as researchers discovered that scribes in ancient Egypt suffered from pain and problems in the hip and spine, and suffered from poor sitting posture. While employees in the modern world are warned not to spend their days hunched over a desk, early workers apparently had no such health and safety rules, according to research by Charles University in the Czech Republic.
According to what was published, Dr. Petra Bruckner Havelkova, head of the study, said: “Pharaonic scribes suffered from problems due to sitting with their legs crossed and their heads bent forward for hours on end, including deformation of the knees,” according to the Metro website.
The researchers examined 4,000-year-old male skeletons to investigate the occupational hazards of repetitive tasks undertaken by high-status men who could write and perform administrative tasks in Pharaonic Egypt. The structures buried in the Abu Sir cemetery in Egypt date back to the period between 2700 BC and 2180 BC. The results of the research were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

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