4herbs you should take to protect yourself from blood clots
4herbs you should take to protect yourself from blood clots 13---29
The "medicalnewstoday" website revealed the 4 most prominent natural herbs that protect against blood clots.
The website listed the four natural herbs and their role in reducing blood clotting as follows:
4herbs you should take to protect yourself from blood clots 13-667
It contains the compound "curcumin", which is characterized by its anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant and blood-thinning properties.
Therefore, eating turmeric helps prevent blood clotting or the formation of blood clots.
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Eating ginger regularly may contribute to the prevention of blood clots, by reducing thromboxane, which is the hormone that causes platelets to aggregate or stick to each other.
Ginger also contains salicylates, the same substances that give aspirin its blood-thinning properties.
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It contains coumarin, which thins the blood, so consuming small amounts of cinnamon may help avoid the formation of blood clots.
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Eating thyme may help prevent the formation of blood clots, thanks to it containing some substances that prevent blood clotting.

Source: websites