Painting "The Last Journey"
Painting "The Last Journey" 1---1246
Why did you leave me alone... after you made me leave everyone for you
I was hoping our story would end better than this.....🥀
From the paintings I chose for you
The painting “The Last Journey” by Russian artist Vasily Perov, painted in 1865.
In this painting, the painter conveys a sense of loss or death. We see a woman, accompanied by her two children, transporting her husband’s body to his final resting place
In a shroud placed on top of a horse-drawn carriage, the widow’s face is not clear in the picture because she is turning her back to the viewer, but her hunched shoulders speak eloquently of her sadness and the depth of her tragedy. Her sitting position is in harmony with the movement of the horse pulling the cart.The horse, too, seems to feel the depth of grief at the loss of its owner. It is clear that there are no friends to accompany the dead person on his last journey in this cold and empty wilderness -
He is covered in snow, except for his wife and two children, who appear frozen from the severity of the cold, and all three of them are united in this image of sadness. The son, on the left, wears a hat and coat, with signs of sadness and exhaustion in his eyes and features, while his sister hugs the coffin.
The shape of the empty and gloomy nature, the low sky - the dark and heavy clouds and the frozen edges of the forest, are all elements that enhance the degree of sadness and gloom of the scene... There is also the predominance of the color gray in its various shades, which gives the impression of deadly cold...

Source: websites