Reconstructing the face of an Egyptian woman who lived 1,500 years ago
Reconstructing the face of an Egyptian woman who lived 1,500 years ago 13-732
More than 10 years after its discovery, a group of international archaeologists has reconstructed the face of a mysterious Egyptian mummy using artificial intelligence.
This mummy belongs to a woman who lived 1,500 years ago in Pharaonic Egypt during the time of the Roman occupation, according to what the lead author of the study, the Brazilian Cicero Moraes, said in a statement reported by the New York Post.
He explained that the mummy, known as “The Gilded Lady” because of her golden headdress, died at the age of her forties due to tuberculosis, according to what appeared from CT scan analyses.
Reconstructing the face of an Egyptian woman who lived 1,500 years ago 13-733
Regarding the characteristics of the woman, whom they estimated to be from the middle class, due to the professionalism of mummification, they pointed out that her face was delicate, smooth, and had a youthful appearance, topped with short, curly black hair.

Source: websites