Reconstructing the heart of an Egyptian mummy with 3D printing for the first time
Reconstructing the heart of an Egyptian mummy with 3D printing for the first time 1--1643
In Britain, thousands of miles away from its original home, lies an Egyptian mummy dating back nearly three thousand years. Thanks to scientific progress and advanced technology, scientists have studied the dimensions of the Egyptian girl’s face, whose features have been preserved throughout the ages. Using 3D printing, they were able to reconstruct her face with amazing accuracy, showing us her true features as if she had never died.
What is impressive is that these features, which have been trapped in time for thousands of years, are still clear and familiar. Those wide eyes, straight nose, and symmetrical lips still inhabit the faces of Egyptians today. If you wander the streets of Cairo or cross Upper Egypt, you will see those same features, rooted in our history and our future, in every city and village from the far north to the far south.

How beautiful it is to see in our features a living reflection of our great history, and an uninterrupted connection with our ancestors who carried Egypt’s civilization throughout the ages. Egypt, with its glorious history and ancient civilization, remains alive in us, in our faces, and in our souls.

Source: websites