Picture of the Star of Canaan
Picture of the Star of Canaan 12775
The Star of Canaan (the picture is the wall of a Canaanite tomb in a museum in Britain)
The six-pointed star known among archaeologists as the Star of Ishtar
Those who are ignorant of the truth of the six-pointed star and believe that it is a Zionist symbol and abhor it and hate it because the Zionist Jews took it as a symbol of their usurping state.
We say to them: The Zionists stole this symbol to prove their truth in the natural parts of the Levant, Syria.
Their goal was to form a state based on this symbol.
The Jews used it in the defense group of the city of Prague when it was part of the Austrian Empire and when Sweden attacked it in the year 1648 AD. Then the Zionist movement chose it in the year 1879 AD, as a symbol for it, at the suggestion of Theodor Herzl at the first Zionist conference held in the city of Basel, by taking it as a slogan and symbol of Zionism. for the future Jewish state.
The six-pointed star began: a sun disk.
It is a symbol of worship among the Sumerians, it was used by the Babylonians, and it was found in most of the civilizations that followed it.
We see it in the civilization of Ugarit, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, and the Canaanites. So the six-pointed star existed in ancient civilizations for thousands of years before the Jews in the Middle Ages made it their slogan!!!
It is one of the most philosophical and spiritual symbols. The six-pointed star, composed of two intersecting triangles, one with its base up and its tip down, represents the divine quest for solutions in humanity.
It is a triangle with its base down and its apex upward, which is the human endeavor to annihilate in the divine...
Their intersection is the Savior and symbolizes Baal, Tammuz, Adonis and others. You may see in homes and churches in old Damascus the six-pointed star appearing... This star has a sophisticated artistic and philosophical presence in the ancient Syrian civilization, especially in the days of the Fatimids, and it is said about it “the star of wisdom” because of the philosophical connotations it carries. Deep.
In the Ugarit civilization, the triangle with its vertex down was a symbol of femininity, and the triangle with its vertex up was a symbol of masculinity, and by the intersection of the two triangles, life was born...
Researchers found:
Picture of the Star of Canaan 13-229
1 - A Babylonian seal showing the Ishtar star.
2 - A coin from the era of the leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, showing a six-pointed star on both sides
3 - Wall of a Christian temple in Armenia, 1200 AD
4 - A six-pointed star engraved on a Canaanite tomb (British Museum)
5 - The ceiling of a cathedral in Armenia, 1100 AD
6 – A Christian burial ground in a monastery in the Levant
7 - Inscriptions on an ivory box (British Museum)
8 – Old church wall, 622 AD.

Source: websites