Republic of Peru
Republic of Peru 13-41
Peru 🇵🇪, a country located in western South America, is distinguished by its rich geographical and cultural diversity. It combines the towering Andes Mountains, the Amazonian rainforest, and the legacy of ancient civilizations like the Incas.
Geographic and natural:
▪ Location: Peru is located in western South America, bordered to the north by Ecuador and Colombia, to the east by Brazil, to the southeast by Bolivia, to the south by Chile, and to the west by the Pacific Ocean.
▪Coast: The coast of Peru extends along the Pacific Ocean for a distance of approximately 2,414 kilometers.
▪The country’s area is about 1,285,220 square kilometers.
▪Andes Mountains: The Andes Mountains pass through Peru from north to south, and include some of the highest peaks in the world.
▪Amazon: Peru contains a large portion of the Amazon rainforest, which is one of the most biologically diverse regions on Earth.
▪Amazon River: The Amazon River originates in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
▪Lake Titicaca: Located on the border between Peru and Bolivia, it is the highest navigable lake in the world.
Demographic, social and cultural
▪Population: The population of Peru is about 33 million people.
▪Official languages: Spanish is the official language, along with Quechua and Aymara in some regions.
▪Culture: Peruvian culture is characterized by a mixture of indigenous and Spanish heritage, with strong influences from the Quechua and Aymara cultures.
▪Festivals: One of the most famous festivals is the “Inti Raymi” (Sun Festival), which is celebrated by the indigenous people of Cusco.
▪Cuisine: Peruvian cuisine is famous for its diversity, and among its most famous dishes are “Ceviche” and “Lomato Saltado.”
▪Gross Domestic Product: Peru's economy depends heavily on mining, agriculture, and fishing.
▪Natural Resources: Peru is one of the largest producers of silver and copper in the world.
▪Agriculture: Peru produces many crops such as coffee, cotton, sugar, and potatoes.
▪Tourism: Tourism constitutes an important part of the economy, as landmarks such as Machu Picchu attract many visitors annually.
▪Trade: The United States and China are Peru's largest trading partners.

▪Governmental system: Peru is a constitutional democratic republic.
▪President: The President is elected for a period of five years.
▪Administrative division: Peru consists of 25 regions, in addition to Lime Province (the capital).
▪International Relations: Peru is a member of many international organizations such as the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and the South American Free Trade Agreement.

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