We are a united people by nature
We are a united people by nature 022
If you are looking for historical facts, the first rule is to put all your emotions and ideological and doctrinal affiliations aside, and because we, the peoples of North Africa, are a united people by nature, however, what prevents our union are two reasons. The first is the belief of some that Arabism is an obligation and a principle of Islam, and everyone who tries Proving the Amazigh identity is a Zionist and an infidel Freemason. The second reason is that we who believe in the Amazigh language of North Africa do not accept to bow down and unite with the anguish who visit our identity, especially those about whom the scholar Ibn Khaldun said, “The Arabs agreed not to agree.”
We are a united people by nature 1----473
Before we conclude the solution or attribute each other, let us remember carefully and agree that, be sure that if a quarrel breaks out in front of you between (a Tunisian, Libyan, Algerian, Moroccan, Mauritanian, or even an Egyptian) against (a Saudi, Emirati, or any Arab from outside the African continent), you will side with North Africa, without your concern, whether it is Amazigh or Arabized. This is what I meant by a people who are united by nature. Now, in your opinion, what are the solutions that you consider valid for us to unite believers and infidels in what is best for our future in North Africa without radicalism or integrated national affiliations?
We are a united people by nature 1---1252

Source: websites