By the right of the Qur’an and the sword
By the right of the Qur’an and the sword 1--1584
✍After the Ottoman Empire invaded (Bulgaria)
They captured its king. Sigmund, Emperor of Hungary, sent Sultan Bayezid al-Sa'iqa as an ambassador.
He asks him: By what right did you invade Bulgaria?!
So Bayezid brought him a Qur’an and a sword, and said:
“Indeed, this and this!”
The fall of Bulgaria was a strong warning bell for all Europeans. Especially the King of Hungary, Sigmund, and Pope Boniface IX.
The two men agreed to form a new Crusader alliance to confront the Ottomans, and Sigmund worked hard to enlarge the size of this alliance and internationalize it, with the participation of as many different nationalities as possible.
Indeed, the alliance was huge and included one hundred and twenty thousand fighters of various nationalities. Such as: (Germany, France, England, Scotland, Switzerland, and Italy), and the alliance is led by King Sigmund of Hungary.
The Crusade moved, and went down the Danube River, until they reached the city of Nicopolis in the northern Balkans.
The Crusaders had barely entered the city when Bayezid appeared with one hundred thousand fighters. He attacked them in the blink of an eye and defeated them bitterly. The battle ended in a clear victory for the Muslims, reminding them of the early days of the Muslims, such as Badr and Yarmouk. This battle was called the Battle of Nicopolis.

Among those who were captured was Count de Nevers, one of the most senior princes in the Crusader army, who swore the most fervent oaths not to return to fighting the Muslims, and he almost kissed the Sultan’s feet, so Sultan Bayezid only said to him:
“I permit you not to keep this oath; You are free to return to fighting me whenever you want.”
Then he went on to say his famous speech, which history immortalized him, and which he wrote in golden letters:
“There is nothing more beloved to me than fighting all the Christians of Europe and defeating them.”
Yes, it is..⬇⬇
"Bayazid bin Murad I bin Arukhan bin Othman"
nicknamed (thunderbolt)

Source: websites