The story of the transfer of the numbers (123456789) from Bejaia to Europe by the scientist Leonardo Fibonacci:
•During the era of the Hammadid state, which was founded by Hammad bin Belkin bin Ziri, cousins of the Zirids who founded the Zirid state. Their second capital (the Hammadids) was Nasiriyah “Bejaia” in 1200 AD, so that the latter, and by that I mean Bejaia, was known for its knowledge and scholars. It exported and received many scholars of the century. For example, the Sidi Touati Institute was one of the most prominent institutes in the Islamic world, built by the Hammadi Sultan al-Nasir ibn Alanas bin Hammad bin Belkin bin Ziri bin Manad Al-Sanhaji, one of the Sanhajis whose lineage extends to the Pyrenees, descendants of Berbers. This institute included 3,000 students who specialized in various sciences such as medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and others...
Leonardo Fibonacci’s father, “Leonardo Fibonacci,” was the clerk of the consular mission and the Pisans commercial community, which is one of the Italian countries like Genoa and others. This is what made him bring his son with him to be under his care so that the latter (Leonardo) could study in Bejaia so that he could learn various types of sciences. He collected them all in several books that he published in various parts of Italy, and he was the first to transfer these numbers from Bejaia to Europe at a time when the Europeans were using difficult Roman numerals, which had a major role in the Renaissance in Italy and in all of Europe. later.
Source: websites