The five most beautiful Ottoman customs
The five most beautiful Ottoman customs  1---720
Water and coffee ::
A cup of coffee was served to the guests along with a cup of water, and when the guest drank water before the coffee, he knew that he was hungry, and a meal was being prepared for him, and when he drank coffee before the water, this meant that he was full.
Red rose and yellow rose ::
The yellow rose was placed in front of the house where there was a sick person to inform passers-by and neighbors of the need to remain calm and avoid disturbing the sick person. However, if the red rose was placed, this meant that there was a young woman who had reached marriageable age present inside the house to whom it was possible to propose, and it was forbidden to utter obscene words near the house out of respect for her emotions.
door knocker::
In the Ottoman era, two knockers were placed on the doors of houses, one small and the other large.
When a little girl knocked on the door, it was understood that the one knocking on the door was a woman, so the lady of the house would go and open the door.
When he knocks loudly, it is understood that there is a man at the door, so the man of the house goes and opens the door to receive his guest.
Charity ::
The wealthy Ottoman group was keen to give alms without causing any embarrassment to the poor. They would go to grocery stores and vegetable sellers, ask for a debt book, request the cancellation of debts, and pay them off, without mentioning their name. The poor would always find that their debt had been erased without them knowing who had done it, so they did not feel grateful. rich people,
Age sixty-three ::
When elderly people over the age of 63 were asked about their age during the time of the Ottoman Empire, they considered it disgraceful to say that their age was above the age of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, out of politeness, respect and reverence for him, so they would answer: “We have crossed the limit, my son.”

Source: websites