During this year.. Parliament expelled the Ottoman Sultan
During this year.. Parliament expelled the Ottoman Sultan 11957
The Ottoman Empire witnessed the first general elections in its history in 1877. During the same period, Abdul Hamid II dissolved Parliament and suspended the constitution.
During the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the Ottoman Empire went through many crises. Between 1877 and 1878, the Ottomans suffered a severe defeat at the hands of the Russians in the Russian-Ottoman War. Because of this, the Ottomans accepted the terms of the Treaties of San Stefano and Berlin. At the end of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire witnessed a genocide that resulted in the killing of more than 200,000 Armenians, as a result of which Abdul Hamid II was dubbed the Red Sultan. Also, during the reign of Abdul Hamid II, whose reign lasted for about 33 years, the Ottoman Empire was stripped of a number of its former colonies, such as Tunisia and Egypt, which it lost to the French and British.

The first Ottoman general elections
During the reign of Abd al-Hamid II, the Ottoman Empire organized the first general elections in its history in 1877. During the month of October 1876, the first electoral laws and regulations were promulgated. These laws stipulated that the elected members of the regional administrative councils should be elected members of the first Ottoman Parliament. By December of the same year, an Ottoman constitution was issued stipulating the necessity of adopting a parliament consisting of two chambers, the first represented by a council of notables appointed by the Sultan, while the second consisted of elected deputies.
During this year.. Parliament expelled the Ottoman Sultan 1-1345
A picture of the execution of a number of supporters of Abdul Hamid II, following the incident of March 31, 1909
According to the Ottoman laws of that period, persons over the age of thirty years who enjoy all their rights were allowed to run for elections. On the other hand, the Ottoman authorities took advantage of the factors of dual nationality, in addition to working for a foreign government, and the material and civil status to exclude a number of candidates.
In addition, the new parliament assumed its duties for a period of only three months, as stipulated in the agreement during that period. The Ottoman Public Council, that is, the Ottoman Parliament, met for the first time on March 19, 1877, before it was officially dissolved in late June of the same year, coinciding with the end of its duties.
During this year.. Parliament expelled the Ottoman Sultan 1-1346
Sultan's dismissal
In the following months, the Ottoman Empire witnessed a second general election, which resulted in the emergence of another parliament. These elections took place at that time according to the regulations and laws issued during the month of October 1876. In addition, this parliament met for the first time on December 13, 1877. And just like the previous parliament, the tasks of the latter did not last long. On February 14, 1878, Sultan Abdul Hamid II took advantage of the state of war with Russia to announce the end of the duties of this parliament and suspend the work of the constitution.
Coinciding with the success of the Young Turk Revolution in 1908 and the pressure of the military, Abdul Hamid II was forced to re-establish the constitution of 1876. In the following months, the Ottoman Empire witnessed general elections that took place between November and December 1908. Thanks to these elections, the Assembly obtained Union and Progress had the support of about 60 deputies in the new parliament that was elected in 1908.
During this year.. Parliament expelled the Ottoman Sultan 1--613
With his prestige declining, Abdul Hamid II tried to restore absolute power and dissolve parliament through the March 31, 1909 incident, which was supported by Islamists and supporters of absolute rule. With the failure of this attempt, Abd al-Hamid II was deposed on April 27, 1909, after Parliament voted on that, so that his brother Muhammad V assumed the position of Sultan.

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