Secrets of the names of European countries
Secrets of the names of European countries 13-781
France took its name from the Franks or French tribes that initially settled in northern France
The name "Frank" comes from the Old German word "Franka" which means fierce.
It is originally Gaelic Belgium or the land of the Belgians, and the name is derived from the Latin, which is a confederation of tribes that lived between the rivers Rhine and Loire in the Roman era.
Croatia was called "Shrutos" which means "on top of the mountain".
Cyprus was originally called "Kypros" which means Copper Island, and it is believed that the island's abundant copper deposits led the Greeks to name this land as "Kypros" (Cyprus) today.
England is named in its original language England which means "Land of Engla" and literally "Land of Angles".
Secrets of the names of European countries 1----478
Germany was originally called "Deutschland" which means "Land of the People", and the original name "Deutsch" comes from the Old German "Deutsch" which means the people.
Greece was called "Greenestan", which means "Land of the Ionians", after Ionia, an ancient region located today on the western coast of Anatolia, in Turkey. It was formerly part of Greece.
Italy was called “Vitulus,” meaning “sons of the bull.” It is believed that this name goes back to the Vitale tribe, whose name may be related to the Latin vitulus, or calf.
Portugal was called "Ports Cali" which means "hot port" or "warm harbour", which is derived from Latin and refers to a Roman settlement now called Porto located at the mouth of the Douira River.
Spain was called "Span" or "Tipan" which means "land of many rabbits".

And finally
?Do you have any secrets or other information regarding the names of these countries that you have to add

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