There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action
There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action 1-3072
When the results of the Asia Djebar Literary Award were announced, a shield was raised against the person of the author, Inaam Bayoud, and her novel “Hawariyya”
I confess that I have not read the work in question, but I know the great poet she is.
Exactly, through her poetry I got to know the depth of this woman's craft.
As for me, I had the badge of honor to invite him in the company of the no less talented poet Abderrahmane Djelfaoui. This was within the framework of the meetings of the Literary and Philosophical Café of Raba’ Nat Iraten during the year 2015. On that day, the audience was present in number and quality. They applauded our guests.
What caught my attention was her humility and greatness of mind coupled with the very good general culture she possesses.
For those who do not know her, she is the director of the Algerian translation school
On the various courtesy visits I have made, the reception has always been warm.
Also, she was distinguished by her good relationship with all the students in her school.
Inaam Bayoud is a trilingual intellectual known and recognized by her peers.
This other-age intransigence targets progress driven by a cultured woman.
To the misogynists and self-proclaimed guardians of morality, any society that does not respect women will go straight to the wall. To all you energy fuel spitting people out there, I have one thing to say to you, SHUT UP!
In this post, I express my unconditional support for this talented writer and wish her more success. I strongly condemn harmful forces that shoot down anything that can bring good to society.

Source: websites