Theopetra Cave
Theopetra Cave 1----479
Theopetra Cave is an archaeological site located in Meteosa, in the Central Greek region of Thessaly
Radiocarbon evidence shows human presence at least 50,000 years ago
Excavations began in 1987, which were supposed to answer questions about the Paleolithic in Thessaly, Greece.
As a result of archaeological excavations conducted over the years, it has been revealed that Theopetra Cave was inhabited by humans 130,000 years ago!!
The Theoftra Cave is an archaeological site located near Meteora in central Greece. It is distinguished as one of the most important prehistoric sites in Europe. The importance of the cave lies in its amazing layer, which spans more than 130,000 thousand years of human occupation. This makes it a valuable site for studying the cultural and environmental changes that occurred during the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods.
Inside the cave, archaeologists discovered evidence of human habitation, including tools, pottery and even the remains of hearths. The unique configuration of the cave, with its large chambers and impressive stalactites and stalagmites, adds to its charm and charm.

Visitors to Theoftra Cave can explore its chambers and learn about the rich history and cultural importance of this ancient site. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of our distant ancestors and provides a deeper understanding of the human history of the region.
In addition, evidence of human habitation in Theopetra Cave can be traced without interruption from the Middle Paleolithic to the end of the Neolithic.

Source: websites