General information about the country of a thousand lakes, Finland 🇫🇮
General information about the country of a thousand lakes, Finland  1---1274
■ Finland is known as the “Land of a Thousand Lakes,” but in fact, it contains more than 180,000 lakes, making it one of the most lake-dense countries in the world.
■ The Finnish education system is known for its high quality and has been consistently ranked among the best educational systems in the world due to its comprehensive and high-quality approach.
■ The indigenous Sami people inhabit Finland. They live in the northern regions of the country and have a distinct culture and language.
■ The Finnish idea of sisu embodies resilience, determination and perseverance in the face of adversity, reflecting the Finnish national character and spirit.
■ Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is one of the coldest capitals in the world, but it's also known for its vibrant cultural scene, modern architecture, and beautiful waterfront.
■ Finland is consistently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world according to the World Happiness Report, due to factors such as social support, freedom, and trust in government.
■ The Finnish sauna tradition dates back thousands of years and is an integral part of Finnish culture, with more than 3 million saunas in the country, roughly one sauna for every two people.
■ Finland is one of the most wooded countries in Europe, About 75% of its area is covered by forests, providing opportunities for hiking and forestry industries.
■ Finnish is part of the Finno-Ugric language family and is known for its complex grammar and unique sound system, including vowel harmony.
■ Finland was the first country in the world to grant women full political rights, including the right to vote and stand for election, in 1906.
■ The Finnish archipelago, made up of thousands of islands along the Baltic Sea coast, offers stunning natural beauty and opportunities for island hopping, sailing and kayaking.
■ The Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, compiled by Elias Lönnrot in the 19th century, is a collection of epic poetry that has inspired Finnish literature, music, and art.

■ Finland has a strong tradition of design and innovation, with iconic brands such as Marimekko, Iitala and Nokia gaining international recognition for their products.
■ The midnight sun phenomenon occurs in Finnish Lapland during the summer months, when the sun remains visible 24 hours a day due to the country's location near the Arctic Circle.
■ Finland has a rich tradition of winter sports, including cross-country skiing, ice hockey, and ski jumping, and Finnish athletes often excel in international competitions.
■ Finland is home to the indigenous Karelian-Finnish people, whose culture, language and traditions played an important role in shaping Finnish identity....

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