The concept of art according to the sages
The concept of art according to the sages 1-1004
Nietzsche believes that art is an expression of the “will to power,” which is the basic desire in life that drives a person to overcome challenges and achieve self-realization. Art is a way to express this will and achieve a feeling of liberation and power.
Apollo and Dionysus:
Nietzsche divides art into two main types, inspired by the Greek gods Apollo (representing order, reason, clarity, and ideal beauty) and Dionysus (representing chaos, passion, and irrational life). Great art combines these two aspects, resulting in a powerful and comprehensive aesthetic experience.
Classic beauty critique:
Nietzsche criticizes the traditional idea of ideal and harmonious beauty, and believes that beauty can be found in chaos, contradiction, and diversity. True beauty is not in perfection, but in struggle, challenge and transformation. Art as a means of overcoming nihilism:
In the face of nihilism (the loss of values and meaning in life), Nietzsche believes that art can be a way to overcome this condition. Through artistic creation, a person can create new meanings and express his strength and will to live
Nietzsche considers the artist to be a special person who has the ability to see the world in new and creative ways. The artist is a hero who faces reality and reshapes it through his creativity, making him a driving force for change and transformation in society.

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