"Poor People's Food" is the Perfect Way to Proteins... Lentils are a Complete Meal
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Legumes were once the food of the poor, but now they are a prominent component of most people's diets, not just meatless dishes.
For food writer Inga Vanebaker, lentils, which range from earthy to nutty, are the perfect way to get protein.
Lentils come in a variety of colors. “The lighter varieties — red, yellow, and brown — are dehulled and take a short cooking time,” Vanebaker explains. “They’re ready in about 10 minutes. Although lentils are lower in fiber when dehulled, they still have a lot of protein.”
Darker varieties of lentils, such as Beluga and Poye, are unshelled and take about 30 minutes to cook, depending on the variety being cooked, Vanebaker said, noting that cooking time also depends on how long the lentils have been stored. The older they are, the longer they will take to cook.
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Lentils should always be cooked. Sebastian Jung, owner and head chef of Wolfs Jung organic food restaurant in Hamburg, recommends soaking them overnight and then rinsing them well in plenty of water before cooking.
“This step partially cleanses the lentils of unwanted substances such as lectins, while the cooking process renders them harmless,” explained Jung, who has won a Michelin Green Star multiple times.
Alpine lentils have a strong, nutty flavour, says Franz Heussler, a longtime organic lentil farmer from the southwestern German town of Lauterach. He says there are four varieties with different cooking qualities: Spitz Alpens 1, which is large-grained; Spitz Alpens 2, which is small-grained; marbled green lentils; beluga lentils; and green lentils from France.
Small-grained Alpenz lentils are soft, making them ideal for salads and other dishes, while large-grained ones are more tender, says Heussler. “Lentils are a protein- and carbohydrate-rich food, making them a nutritionally complete meal,” he adds.

It's the perfect combination for vegetarians. According to Anthony's Lentils Blog, legumes are the perfect substitute for animal products like ground beef in bolognese or meatballs.

Source: websites