?What happens to the body when you eat a heavy morning meal
?What happens to the body when you eat a heavy morning meal 13-62
A professor of nutrition advised eating a hearty breakfast because it allows the body to burn calories.
“This recommendation is based on some characteristics of the work of the body’s digestive system,” Sergey Shchetin, associate professor at the Department of Nutrition at the University of Biotechnology, said. “After breakfast, the first nutrients enter the bloodstream in fairly large quantities. The body needs time to digest food and absorb the nutrients.” Therefore, if breakfast is heavy, the body will digest it during the day, meaning that the quantity of food is not the basis, but rather its calorie content - as the body needs to digest and absorb nutritious and fatty foods for a longer period.
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Sergey Shchitin said that at breakfast it is recommended to eat 40 percent of the total daily foods, so that the body can “burn” all the calories. Lunch should contain 30 percent, dinner should contain 20 percent, and the remaining 10 percent is for snacks. At dinner, it is better to eat light protein foods because their digestion and absorption requires less time.
Dr. Francisco Lopez Jimenez, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, says that skipping the first meal of the day is not particularly good for the heart, and there are many studies that show that those who skip breakfast have an increased risk of heart disease and many other diseases.
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Marks in the feet that may indicate heart disease
Dr. Lopez Jimenez noted that there is some evidence that heart attacks are more likely to occur in the morning, explaining: “Part of this is due to the high adrenaline state that occurs early in the morning.” He added that combining high adrenaline levels with not eating food or calories causes the body to enter a state of “adrenaline rush,” when adrenaline is suddenly released.
The heart muscle can be affected by a huge amount of adrenaline that is suddenly produced, and the excess adrenaline narrows the small arteries that supply the heart with blood, causing a temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart.
?What happens to the body when you eat a heavy morning meal 13--25
And for those who want to lose weight through fasting, breakfast is not the right meal to skip, as Dr. Lopez Jimenez explains: “People who skip breakfast, oftentimes are able to do so because they eat a fairly large dinner. So You feed the body with calories at a time when your body is about to sleep, when you need calories least. Thus, many people are vulnerable to high blood pressure and high body mass index, which are major causes of heart disease.

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