?What is the root of the name: ((Syrian))
?What is the root of the name: ((Syrian)) 1--1611
Researcher Hormuz Godo: The name Syriac came from Syria, and the name Syria is rooted in Assyria. As for how the name Assyria changed to Syria, here is the explanation in brief. The entire Fertile Crescent was known in ancient times as Mat-Assyria (ܡܬܐܫܘܪ), meaning the land of Assyria, because the Assyrians ruled it for more than two thousand years, so it was known by their name. When the Greeks occupied the region, they changed its name from (Mat-Assyria) to (Assyria) for two reasons:
The first is because the Greeks cannot pronounce the letter Shen, but rather pronounce it Sein, and this phenomenon exists to this day among the Greeks, and thus the word Assyria became Asur.
The second reason is that the word land or country is expressed in ancient European languages by adding (ya) after the name of the people. For example, (Turkey) means the land or country of the Turks, and (India) means the land or country of India, and (Persia) means the land or country of the Persians, and so the word was deleted. Mat, which means land, was changed to the word (ya) after the word Asur, so the name became Asuriya.
Then the Arab armies invaded the region and the Syrian people converted to Islam at the hands of the conquerors. The language of the conquerors, that is, Arabic, does not like the letter alif before the s, so the name of Alexandria is pronounced Alexandria and Ismail is pronounced Ismail. This is how the name of Assyria became Syria, and from Syria they said Syrian, and thus the name of the land of Assyria was transformed into the land of Assyria. Syriac.

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