The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the pregnant and the dieting.. and the most important harms
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the pregnant and the dieting.. and the most important harms 1573
Syrian pulp is characterized by many benefits
Syrian pulp is one of the entertainments that many eat for fun, and there are many amazing benefits of Syrian pulp. Here are the most important benefits and harms..
The Syrian pulp is a sunflower seed, which has many benefits and wonderful features that in turn help prevent many different diseases, and this is due to the fact that it contains many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. In the following report, we learn about the most important benefits and harms of the Syrian pulp. on health.
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the pregnant and the dieting.. and the most important harms 1-347
The benefits of the Syrian pulp
Syrian pulp contains many nutrients, including iron, folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, protein, and carbohydrates, which makes it beneficial for health in general.
Benefits of Syrian pulp for diabetics
Syrian pulp can keep diabetics from high blood sugar, as it contains fatty acids such as linoleic acid and is rich in fiber and essential amino acids for diabetics.
Also, the Syrian pulp, according to a study on the "webmd" website, helps to improve the blood sugar level of the second type, because it contains chlorogenic acid, and it also reduces the risk of developing diabetes for those who suffer from insulin resistance syndrome in the body.
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for pressure
Syrian pulp contains important amino acids to prevent the enzyme that causes blood vessel constriction, which causes high blood pressure, as it helps to relax blood vessels.
In addition, it reduces the risk of stroke, because it contains magnesium, which is important in reducing blood pressure in the arteries.
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the prostate
The Syrian pulp contains phytosterols, which help treat an enlarged prostate. It also has a role in reducing the severity of infections that may affect it, and protecting against prostate cancer .
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the pregnant and the dieting.. and the most important harms 1-348
The benefits of the Syrian pulp in slimming
One of the benefits of eating Syrian pulp is that it is low in calories, and contains omega-3, which helps in burning the fats that accumulate in the body. It also has a distinct role in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, which helps in digestion and the removal of excess waste from the body.
The Syrian pulp contains healthy fibers that help to feel full for long periods, which helps in losing weight while being careful not to overeat it.
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for pregnant women
It contains vitamins necessary for the health of the pregnant woman, including various vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and unsaturated fats, which enhance the health of the pregnant woman.
The potassium found in the Syrian pulp helps reduce high blood pressure that a pregnant woman may suffer from during pregnancy.
The folic acid present in the Syrian pulp has a distinct role in protecting the fetus from exposure to some problems such as growth disorders.
- Helps form red blood cells that transport oxygen to the fetus, which protects it from exposure to congenital anomalies .
Helping to form the bones of the fetus, as it contains a good percentage of calcium, potassium and magnesium.
- Help boost maternal and fetal immunity, as it contains antioxidants that play a role in boosting the immune system.
The benefits of the Syrian pulp for the pregnant and the dieting.. and the most important harms 1--140
Damage to the Syrian core
- Excessive consumption of Syrian pulp can cause weight gain, so you should eat it, but without overdoing it.
- The Syrian pulp contains sodium and when it is in excess, especially the salted pulp, it helps to increase blood pressure, which leads to its rise and causes some problems related to heart health.
Too much of it, especially for children, may cause problems in the digestive system, which can lead to gastroenteritis.

Source : websites