Here are 31 facts you did not know about Uzbekistan 🇺🇿:
 31facts you did not know about Uzbekistan 1-3089
Name: The name "Uzbekistan" means "Land of the Uzbeks".
Location: Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia and is bordered by five countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan.
Capital: The capital is Tashkent, which is the largest city in the country.
Population: The population of Uzbekistan is approximately 34 million people.
Language: The official language is Uzbek, which is a Turkish language.
History: Uzbekistan was part of the historic Silk Road.
Culture: Uzbek culture is characterized by Persian, Turkish, and Mongolian influences.
Religion: Islam is the main religion, and most Uzbeks are Sunni Muslims.
Economy: The economy depends heavily on agriculture, especially cotton cultivation.
Oil and Gas: Uzbekistan possesses rich resources of oil and natural gas.
World Heritage: The cities of Bukhara and Samarkand are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Education: Education is free and compulsory for children up to the age of 12.
Currency: The local currency is the Uzbek som.
Climate: Uzbekistan's climate is dry continental, with cold winters and hot summers.
Food: Plov is the national dish and consists of rice, meat and carrots.
Area: The area of Uzbekistan is approximately 447,400 square kilometers, making it one of the largest countries in Central Asia.
Transportation: It has an extensive network of railways linking major cities.
Sports: A popular sport is traditional Uzbek wrestling called "Koresh".
Festivals: Nowruz is considered the most important festival and is celebrated in the spring.
Traditional crafts: Uzbeks are famous for making handmade carpets and pottery.
Fashion: The traditional dress for men is “Chapan” and women wear “Atlas”.
Natural Reserves: Uzbekistan has the fifth largest gold reserves in the world.
Nature: Uzbekistan has Lake Aral, which has been severely dried out.
Art: Uzbek arts include traditional music and folk dance.

Politics: Uzbekistan is a presidential republic.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure in major cities is modern and developed.
Religious rituals: Uzbek Muslims visit the shrine of Imam Bukhari in Samarkand.
Architectural History: Samarkand includes many historical buildings from the Timurid era.
Tourism: Tourism is increasing significantly thanks to the rich history and culture.
Air Transport: Tashkent International Airport is the main airport in the country.
Scholars: Uzbekistan is home to many prominent scholars, such as the Islamic scholar Al-Biruni

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