Amazighophobia complex
Amazighophobia complex 1--353
Why do nationalists and Islamists refuse to call the people of North Africa the name Amazigh and prefer instead to call it Berbers
The answer is clear because this epithet carries an insulting charge that is compatible with their psyche, which is sick with Amazighphobia, and in it they repeatedly insult the Amazigh language, culture, and identity, even though they know the truth, but they ignore it. Their justification for this is that this name is modern and the Amazighs have only applied it to themselves since the seventies!!! Although this claim is incorrect and is a slander against the truth and history, they cling to it in order to undermine and diminish the value of the Amazigh and the Amazigh language.
It is noted that after recent archaeological research in Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, scientific and historical facts began to be revealed that show that North Africa is the cradle of Homo sapiens and thus the cradle of humanity. Therefore, these discoveries will contribute to rewriting human history, including the history of ancient North Africa and Morocco.
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The first historical narrative agreed upon by Arab genealogists and historians that will be corrected relates to the truth about the Amazigh origins, which were always sought outside North Africa, especially the Yemeni Himyarite and Canaanite origins. These corrective historical facts will increase the alienation and denial of the Amazigh self, the owners of nationalist political movements and political Islam, and will increase their pathological fear that afflicts them whenever they hear the word Amazigh, Tamzgha, and the Amazigh movement.

Source : websites