God Female clay tablet from Mesopotamia
God Female clay tablet from Mesopotamia 1----489
Wearing a horned headdress and sitting on a chair or throne, she may be the goddess Ishtar or the goddess Bao. ???????????? Dba-u2 She is the protector goddess of the city of Lagash in ancient Mesopotamia. She later assumed the role of physician goddess, a role similar to other deities such as Kula, Ninisina, Ninkarak, and Nintinuga
Ishtar was not only worshiped as a spirit of fertility and a goddess of plant life with the discovery of agriculture. For a long time, man has observed the changes that occur on the face of the Earth during the seasons, and the appearance of plants and trees in the spring and then their disappearance in the fall.
Since he relied in part of his life on picking fruits and digging for roots, and in the other part on hunting animals that ate from grasses; He looked with concern at the dryness of the land and the absence of signs of greenery in the prairies and forests, and he stayed throughout the winter, impatiently waiting for the spirit of germination to reappear, and performing the rituals that would help it do so. This periodic rotation was not understood by him, so he linked it to the movement of a supernatural force.
The lunar symbol of the moon god Sin appears at the top surrounded by a headdress. Old Babylonian period 2003-1595 BC. Ur, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq.
Its location is Sulaymaniyah Museum, Iraq.
Assyria Kalkhu Dur Sharukin Nineveh Mesopotamia

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