Titles of the god Marduk
Titles of the god Marduk 1--371
The chief of the Babylonian gods - his name was mentioned in the Sumerian cuneiform texts - at the beginning of America, the ancient people of Iraq viewed him as one of the gods devoted to agriculture, so they made a symbol of the shovel - the rake - one of the most important tools used in agriculture. The god Marduk was considered the protector god of the city of Babylon since The era of the Third Sumerian Dynasty 2112 - 2003 BC - Some cuneiform texts prove his worship since the dawn of the Sumerian dynasties, despite the intention of its spread in ancient Iraq at that time - The ancient Iraqis did not differ from other ancient nations in the use of the titles they gave to their gods and gods - Marduk - One of the ancient legendary Mesopotamian gods who has many names and titles that glorify his impact and divinity, so we find him bearing many names and titles. Their number reaches approximately 50 - fifty names and titles that give a picture of his attributes through the meanings to which those names guide. It seems that the title - Creation of the Universe - highlights those titles that the god - Marduk - acquired as a result of his influence on the myth of the creation of the world and humanity and his victory over the gods - Tiamat - the gods of Mesopotamia. Associated with the primordial chaos and the salty sea in the epic Babylonian creation myth - Enuma Elish - that victory that gave the god - Marduk - greatness and elevation among the gods, which made him snatch the titles and attributes of the gods without contest, including the title - the great mountain - which he acquired from the god - Enlil - and the title - Lord of the heavens and the earth - King of the gods and their sweet master - Wise of the gods - Reviver of the dead - or the one who brings the dead back to life. This title is frequently repeated in Babylonian literary texts. Especially with regard to Babylonian supplications and spells, in addition to those titles mentioned above, there were many names known as the fifty names of Marduk in relation to their number, and the traceability of these names goes back to the Sumerian origins and what they represent in their nature from a purely Sumerian appearance - below we mention those fifty names, as follows:
Titles of the god Marduk 1--1639
- 1- Marduk - He was known by this name since his birth and it means the bull or calf of the god - Shamash
-2- Marukka - the god who was created for the happiness of the Anunnaki, and it is the name derived from the name Marduk
- 3 - Marutukku - in Sumerian texts it means a bull or a calf
-4 - Marshakushu - the god who possesses anger and controls himself, which indicates the wisdom of Marduk and the slowness in making decisions in situations of anger.
- 5- Lukal Demir Enkia - Sumerian adjective form meaning king of the heavens and earth
- 6 - Nari Lokal Dimera Ankya - An adjective meaning the preserver, king of the heavens and the earth
- 7 - Asarlukhi - the name by which the god Marduk is famous in magic, divination, and prophecy
- 8- Namtila - the god who restored life to normal, restored the positions of the gods, and destroyed their opponents.
- 9 - Namru - the pure god who made the behavior of the gods pure
- 10 - Asro - Giver of fertile land, creator of wheat, and grower of green grass
- 11 - Asr - the one who has a sound opinion in the Shura Council due to his awe and the fear of the gods towards him, in addition to the fact that he is characterized by his strong opinion.
-12 - Asaru Al-Yam Nunna - The revered god, the light of his fathers, and the multiplier in the abundance of the fields.
- 13 - Tutu - The Most High, whom no one rebels against, and who grants comfort to the gods through his magic and status - 14 - Ziwaukinna - The divider of the positions of the gods, the creator of the clear heavens for them, and the one who controls their paths and paths.
-15- Zico - the founder of purity, the Lord who answers prayers and gives abundant gifts
-16 - Akaku - the creator of man for the comfort of the gods and the bringer of freedom and mercy for the losing gods.
- 17 - Toko - He destroys evil people and eradicates their evils
- 18 Shazo - the arbitrator of justice and the distinguisher of truth from falsehood and truth from lies
- 19 - Zisi - the guardian of the disobedient and expelled fear and amazement from the hearts of his godly fathers
- 20 - Sakharam - He destroys enemies with his weapons and thwarts their plans
- 21 - Sikhkurim - He who fulfills supplications, destroys enemies, uproots their offspring, and destroys their deeds.
- 22 - Zakhrim - the destitute of opponents and opponents and the collector of fugitive gods
- 23 - Zukhkurim - He who threw himself into battle and annihilated all his opponents
-24 - Enpilulu - the country’s food and drink administrator and supervisor of springs and agriculture
- 25 - Ebadon - the god who watered the fields and created agriculture in the heart of the desert
- 26 - Kukkal - Ruler of the gods, Lord of giving and abundant crops, and Giver of wealth
- 27 - Hekal - who provides abundance for all people and rains on the earth and makes greenery grow lush
- 28 - Circer - Protector of the Earth and true shepherd of humanity
- 29 - Malach - He who ascends the sea and takes it as a chariot  
- 30 - Keel - Creator of wheat, barley and livestock who provides seeds for the country
- 31 - Kilma - the Creator of all remaining things, the One who holds the family together and the Giver of medical things
- 32 - Akilma - Exalted in status, creator of clouds, and repeller of floods
- 33 - Zulum - the divider of livelihood and blessings and the appointor of fields
- 34- Memu - Creator of heaven and earth and purifier of them
- 35 - Kishnu-Moneb - Creator of peoples from the body of the gods - Tiamat - and maintainer of the four directions - 36 - Lokal Abdoir - He dispersed the helpers of the gods Tiamat and stripped them of their weapons.
- 37 - Pakalkwinna - Companions of wisdom, greatness, and the most powerful among the gods
- 38 - Lokal Darmakh - The King, the Bond of the Gods, the Master of the Home of Royalty
- 39 - Ara Nonna - the advisor of the god - Ea - whom no god can match in his leadership.
- 40 - Domodoco - the son of the Holy Mountain or the son of one of the two stones of the Marduk Temple, in which destinies and destinies were estimated on the Babylonian New Year’s Day.
- 41 - Lukal - I - His power is greater than all the gods and the representative of the power of the god - Anu - the head of the assembly of the gods in the sky
- 42 - Air Okka - the one with wisdom and broad understanding
- 43 - Arkanku - The killer of Kankannu
- 44 - Kenma - Chief god and advice giver
- 45 - Ides Kura - He who sits on a high pillar in the house of prayer to bring the gods their gifts, for without him no one can create anything.
- 46 - Keppel - the one with wisdom, skill, and insight, the creator of wondrous things during his struggle with the gods Tiamat, and the one with a broad, deep heart.
47 - Idu - He who holds the sky, disperses the clouds, and creates the blessed temples to provide sustenance and blessings to the peoples on earth.
- 48 - Asharu - patron of the gods and entrusted with their comfort
- 49 - Nibiru - Jupiter is the planet that shines in space, guides those who go astray, and stabilizes the spheres in the sky.
- 50 - Enlil - and their name is read as Ikkurkur - Lord of the Lands and God of Babylon

- Added to his titles and names - Baal or Bel - which is one of the names by which the god - Marduk was famous - not only in Babylon, but in most of the ancient Near East, and it means the great master and the great lord - the god - Marduk - was of great valor, crushing enemies and surpassing. The disobedient, the destroyer of enemies, the destroyer of opponents, and the disperser of their opinions and weapons so that the peoples and the gods could enjoy comfort under his authority. Perhaps naming the god - Marduk - with these fifty names, which implicitly contain the characteristics of the other gods that they had, and the god Enlil - relinquishing his functions and attributes to the god - Marduk - some see. Researchers say that the trend of religion at that time began to lean toward monotheism in worship and the oneness of the gods -----

The Book of the God Marduk - the Chief of the Babylonian Gods - A Study in Religious Beliefs - pp. 59-60 -61 - 62 -63- 64 -65- 66 -67 -68 - Khaled Naji Al-Karimawi
Introduction book to ancient Iraqi literature - pp. 107 - 108 - Dr. Taha Baqir
Book of Political Thought in Ancient Iraq - p. 391, Dr. Abdul Redha Al-Taan
Unpublished master’s thesis - Symbols of the most important gods in ancient Iraq - University of Mosul - Faculty of Arts, year 2002 AD - p. 116 - Faten Muwaffaq Fadel Ali
Doctoral dissertation - Gods in the vision of ancient Iraqi man, a study in mythology - University of Baghdad, College of Arts, year 2007 - p. 92 - Yahya Osama Adnan