Women's titles in ancient Egypt
Women's titles in ancient Egypt 12719
By the distinguished writer/Sabreen Ashraf Ibrahim
Writer and historical researcher at the Imhotep entity to spread archaeological awareness, training, development and promotion of domestic tourism in Egypt.
Six: Lady
Death: Mother
Sunt: Sister
Sat: Daughter
Hemat: wife
Merritt: Sweetheart
Kate: a baby girl
Sherit: a little girl
Painful: absolutely
((They called women different names))
Great love: Aat Marwat
Bright as the sun: Khaat im shu
Lady of the Breeze: Hanut Thao
The owner of Raqqa: Nabat Nabarat
Great respect: Wort Faw
Clean hands: and played Tawa
Our Lady of Joy: Hanout Najm Ibb
((From what your ancestors said about women))
* A woman prefers beauty over reason because she realizes that men prefer beauty, not her mind.
* A woman is the mistress of her home when she feels that her husband always needs her.
Educate the woman, the man will learn, and the people will learn
Women are the foundation of the building on which society is built. Without them, there is no society. So have mercy on the little ones. They are precious females, so take care of them. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, advised him regarding women: “Treat women well, for they are your helpers.”
The Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, also said:
''And treat women well, for they were created from a rib, and the crookedest part of the rib is at the top. If you straighten it, you break it, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so treat women well.''
Women's titles in ancient Egypt 0--45
Caring, then caring, not neglecting, and not being cruel. The world turns into a paradise in which you live with love and tenderness. Now the woman is a source of tenderness. Do not make them sad and do not make them cry. Woman was created from the rib of man, and God Almighty said.
“And treat them kindly.”
A beautiful woman is not always good, but a good woman is always beautiful.
No matter how beautiful the flower is, you may find thorns in it, and no matter how blooming the garden is, you may find some herbs in it.
If you doubt a woman, do not take her as your life partner, and if you take her as your life partner, do not doubt her.
((Women build society))
A society interested in women’s education + a people that respects and values women = a great country that enjoys success, appreciation, and respect, and has a long history that future generations will celebrate.

Source: websites