Source of names of continents
Source of names of continents 1---1317
_ The reasons for choosing the names of the continents with the currently accepted names, according to the opinions of some scholars, are as follows:
*Continent of Asia
_It is a name derived from the Assyrian word Asu, which means East.
* The continent of Africa
_ Its name goes back to the (Ifri) tribe, and the word (ica) means land, and in general it is called the land of Ifri (Africa).
* Continent of Europe
_ The continent of Europe was named after Princess Europa, who was kidnapped by Zeus and taken to the land of Europe.
* Continent of Australia
_ The origin of the name comes from the Roman civilization, and Australia means (the unknown land) due to their inability to reach and discover it.
* The Americas
_ Its name goes back to the traveler Amerigo Vespoch, who announced Columbus’ discovery of America.
* The frozen continent
_ It was named after the word (Antarctica), which means the far north.

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