"House of panels"
"House of panels" 1----495
A Sumerian text that was found in the city of Ur. The text was written by a Mesopotamian student in which he talked about the academic period and school holidays in the school that was called “the House of Tablets” by the Sumerians. He said:
The monthly calculation of the days I stay in school is as follows:
My freedom days are 3 days of every month
School holidays are 3 days of every month
So I spend 24 days of every month in the House of Tablets
These are the days of my life, and they are really long days!
From this text, we can realize that each academic month in Mesopotamia consisted of 24 days spent by the student in school, while the remaining six days of the month were holidays and festivals.
The text is exactly like what every student thinks at the present time, how he calculates the number of school days, feels their weight and length, and rejoices in holidays and holidays!
The past still has the same effect on our present.

Source: Sumer Myth and Epic - Fadel Abdel Wahed