WhatsApp adds feature to reply to messages after a long wait
WhatsApp adds feature to reply to messages after a long wait 1207
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, owner of WhatsApp, has announced the launch of a new feature that adds reactions to WhatsApp messages.
With this feature, users can listen to an incoming voicemail from one of their contacts, and switch to another chat with another user or even a group chat, and meanwhile the voicemail will not stop , but will continue to run in the background of the app.
Zuckerberg explained that this new feature allows users to interact with messages through 6 different options, which are: Like, Love, Laugh, Surprise, Sadness and Thank you.

As for how this new feature works, a tab will appear in front of the user, and it will have many reaction options, when the user selects a specific message in the chat, which he wants to react to.
Once the user clicks on any of these options, their chosen reaction will be sent to respond to the chat message.
