faster than light
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Are there particles faster than light
Neutrinos particles
In September 2011, the physicist Antonio Ereditato came out with a scientific discovery that shocked the world, and he promised the scientific community that this discovery would change our understanding of the universe if the data he collected with 160 scientists working on the OPERA project were true!
Iridetto claimed that he discovered that there are particles that travel faster than the speed of light - neutrinos!
 According to Einstein's theory of relativity - this is not possible - there are no particles faster than light in the universe.
So, a discovery like this may topple many of the laws of physics that explain the universe, and we will reconsider many of the scientific theories that have existed for decades.
 Although Antonio Iredetto and his team had "high confidence" in their results, they did not state it literally, but in fact - they asked 
other scientists to help them understand what was happening

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Incorrect measurements
In the end, it turned out that the results of the OPERA project were wrong due to errors in the installation of connections that are supposed to send accurate signals from GPS devices
 These errors led to an unexpected delay in the signal, as a result of which measurements of how long the neutrino took to travel a certain distance stopped at about 73 nanoseconds, making it as if it had traveled faster than the speed of light.
After this unintended scientific error - Iridetto resigned - although errors like this always occur in the complex machines of particle accelerators.
But - what made this false assumption so important?
Are we really sure that nothing travels faster than light?
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792.458 km/sec, which is approximately 300,000 km/sec. The sun is located 150 million km from the earth, and its light takes only about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the earth.

How to travel faster than light

So far, man has not made anything that can race light at its speed. One of the fastest human-made things was the "New Horizons space probe", which passed through "Pluto" in 2015, reaching a speed of more than 16 km / sec - but of course much less of 300,000 km / sec.
However, scientists were able to make tiny particles move at great speeds. In the early sixties, "William Bertozzi" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology experimented with the process of accelerating electrons at greater speeds.
Bertozzi relied in his experiment on the fact that electrons carry a negative charge, and therefore it is possible to repel other negative charges of matter, and the more energy used in the process of pushing and repulsion or "rebound", the faster the electrons.
But in spite of this, scientists found that electrons cannot move at the speed of light, as Bertzy found that using more thrust and recoil energy for an electron does not simply lead to a relative increase in its speed, even after using larger amounts of additional energy to cause differences in speed. With which electrons move, their speed has already approached the speed of light, but never reached it...
This leads us to another question.
Since light is made up of particles called "photons" - why can these particles move at the speed of light when particles such as electrons ?! cannot 
Roger Russell, a physicist at the University of Melbourne, says, “When things go faster and faster, they get heavier and heavier, and the heavier they get, the more difficult it is for them to achieve acceleration, so that they never reach the speed of light.”
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"As for the photon - in fact, it has no mass. If it had mass, it would never have traveled at the speed of light."
Photons are very special particles - in addition to having no mass, which gives them the ability to travel in a vacuum at the speed of light, they do not have to speed up, their natural energy that they possess enables them to move at the speed of light immediately after their birth - which is indeed their maximum speed.
However - light sometimes travels at a slower speed than we think, light actually travels 40% slower through optical fiber glass than it does in a vacuum.
Everything from radio waves to microwaves to visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays - all consist of photons and travel at the known speed of light, differing only in amount of energy and wavelength, and these rays together make up the electromagnetic spectrum.
Therefore, light is one of the fixed elements of the universe. One of the important points in Einstein's theory of special relativity is the idea that light has a constant speed, regardless of where you are or how fast you are.. it will always travel at the same speed.
There are no particles that can travel at the speed of light because this requires that those particles be without mass, just like the photons that make up visible light.

We can see things moving faster than light