She lived in Switzerland 20 million years ago.. the discovery of species of dolphins
She lived in Switzerland 20 million years ago.. the discovery of species of dolphins 1909

Although Switzerland is located in the center of Europe and above an area that is much higher than the sea level today, it was previously, and before millions of Sinians, that it was covered by sea water.
Researchers have discovered hundreds of fossils of dolphins that were not known to this day, according to what researchers from the Institute of Paleontology at the University of Zurich announced .
The researchers said that 20 million years ago these dolphins were roaming the oceans, including the sea that covered Switzerland.
After examining about 300 fossilized whales and dolphins discovered in Switzerland and dating back to that stage, researchers at the Swiss University were able to identify at least two previously unknown species of dolphins, according to the university.

Prehistoric dolphin species discovered in Switzerland

By examining the remains of teeth, vertebrae, and bones discovered in layers of marine sediment , paleontologists found rarely found inner ear bones, thus allowing them to classify species.
"We have succeeded in identifying two species of dolphin previously unknown in Switzerland ," paleontologist Gabriel Aguirre said in a statement issued by the university .
The researchers reconstructed the soft tissue around the ear bones and created 3D images of the appendages, using computer  -assisted microprogrammed tomography , a 3D imaging technique.
Agence France-Presse quoted Aguirre as saying that this step helped them to better analyze the auditory abilities of dolphins.
In their study, published on the Bear Guy scientific website, the researchers explained that they had concluded that the extinct species they identified are related to sperm whales and dolphins that exist today.
20 million years ago, sharks , fish, dolphins and cetaceans swam in the sea that covered Switzerland, and crustaceans, mussels and sea urchins colonized its shores.

Découverte d'une espèce de dauphin jusque-là inconnue en Suisse

A large amount of fossils have been discovered in the sedimentary rocks known as upper marine molasses.