! The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered that “something strange” is happening in our universe
! The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered that “something strange” is happening in our universe 1260
Scientists at NASA have revealed 30 years of information collected from the Hubble Space Telescope confirming that there is something strange in the universe that does not agree widely with previous data about the way and fairness of the expansion of the universe.
Over the course of 30 years, scientists used the device that they launched in 1990 to determine 40 miles of space and time surrounding the Earth, the solar system and space objects, to confirm the existence of an incomprehensible discrepancy in the current rate, and this is when compared to the observations obtained by scientists after the Big Bang, which was said to have been about about 30 years ago. 14 billion years.
In a statement, NASA confirms that the passion behind knowing the way the universe is expanding and the rate at which it is moving actually began in the twentieth century, with attempts by astronomers "Edwin B Hubble" and "George Lemaitre", and the information obtained by scientists from a telescope showed Hubble that there is indeed something strange going on in the universe.
Scientists had initially expected that the universe would double in size during the next ten billion years, but it seems that this will not happen at all, and scientists are still continuing to decipher the cosmic expansion to learn the secrets of the universe.
The reason for this discrepancy remains a mystery, but the Hubble data, which includes a variety of cosmic objects that act as distance markers, supports the idea that something strange is happening, possibly revealing entirely new physics."
This scientific discovery, based on facts and years of studies, coincided with a terrible turnout for another series of “strange” statements made by a Tik Tok user who claimed to be a “time traveler” from the year 2236 and issued a set of warnings to followers, including that there are A deadly meteor will hit Europe next fall.
He also confirmed that humans will succeed in establishing real contact with an alien race, and that a hacker will succeed in closing millions of accounts on social media as a result of his rejection of their various policies. More than 36.7 million Tik Tok accounts will be closed.
The Hubble data may be strange, but the strangest thing is what is happening on this Earth!
