? When can the elderly take aspirin and how
? When can the elderly take aspirin and how 1273
I want to make sure that I am at this age. Is it recommended for me to take an aspirin daily, as it is common and known to everyone to ? prevent blood clots? From what age should a person start taking aspirin, and is it necessary
Dear Madam;
The use of aspirin to prevent heart disease and stroke is recommended after the work of many clinical trials on hundreds of thousands of patients, and this is according to many recommendations, such as the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association, for those who suffer from diabetes or who have developed heart diseases. For these groups, low-dose aspirin, less than 100 mg per day, is recommended for those over the age of 40

WJR: Baby Aspirin Not Recommended for Older Adults

However, there is an important consideration, which is the complications of aspirin, which may be bleeding in any part of the digestive system or discomfort, abdominal pain and nausea, and with the presence of these side effects, it is also recommended to continue to use aspirin unless the resulting risks and complications The benefit outweighs its use
The use of aspirin at a dose of less than 100 mg per day is of great benefit and protects against many such as clots and even colon cancer, and this is also what specialists who oppose the use of aspirin without reference, but it is used in the following cases:
- High blood pressure.
Having a history of heart disease in the family.
Diabetes mellitus.
High level of fat in the blood.
The American Preventive Services Association says: The use of low-dose aspirin reduces the occurrence of health problems related to clots from the age of 45-79 for those who suffer from the above-mentioned risks, and it is also recommended to use it on an irregular basis for those at the age of 55-79 for those who are They do not suffer from the previous risks, which, although they cause some complications, the prevention of clots increases the benefits of complications

The latest health guidance on taking aspirin as heart attack, stroke preventative

* Conclusion
Regular or semi-regular use of aspirin at the age of sixty at a low dose greatly helps to reduce risks such as heart and brain clots and even colon cancer in several studies unless there are contraindications to its use, namely:
- Allergy to aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Rhinitis and nasal polyps.
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