“Imazighen and the Mediterranean” is the subject of an intellectual symposium in Madrid
“Imazighen and the Mediterranean” is the subject of an intellectual symposium in Madrid 2441 
The Ibn Battuta Foundation in Madrid organized, on the occasion of the inauguration of its new headquarters, an intellectual seminar on the topic “Imagination in the Civilizations of the Mediterranean Basin.
The head of the Amazigh World Gathering, Rachid Rakha, addressed the Amazigh's democratic values ​​and their historical depth, based on archaeological studies and research that proved the age of the Amazigh human being.
In his speech, Rakha cited the human "Adrar Yeghod", which dates the beginning of the history of the wise man.
for his part; The researcher Ahmed Zahid dealt with the subject of the contributions of Imazighen to ancient civilizations such as the Pharaonic, the Greek, Phoenician and Roman Qom.
The symposium was well-deserved by the journalist Saeed Al-Azraq.
“Imazighen and the Mediterranean” is the subject of an intellectual symposium in Madrid 6188 
On the sidelines of the symposium, the book “What the Berbers Want” was signed by its author, Professor Rashid Rakha, and the play “Yeni Acharzen Tignant” by Ahmed Zahid.
The audience interacted with the work of the intellectual meeting with questions concerning the future of the Amazigh language and culture.
