?How do we protect children from exploiting their images on pornographic sites
Nanotechnology expert: They often spread in dark networks, blocking them is impossible, and awareness of the dangers of the Internet is an inevitable protection
?How do we protect children from exploiting their images on pornographic sites 2456 
Children's photos are stolen from social media and posted on the NDR website.
Pictures that parents publish of their children on social networking sites have become the focus of attention of pedophiles, who steal them and repost them on dark porn sites with the addition of sexual comments offensive to the child , and sometimes information about the child such as his name, age and nationality.
Child protection organizations in various countries of the world have called for years not to share pictures of children on social networking sites , because of the interest of "pedophiles" in these pictures, and they stole them from "Facebook", "Instagram" and "Tik Tok".
To find out how children's images in the Arab world can be protected from being exploited on dark webs , "Independent Arabia" interviewed Kaoutar Boubacar, an expert in nanotechnology who is currently working at the European Research Center in Belgium "IMEC", which is considered a pioneer in research in the field.
Concerning the mechanism of these dark networks, Kawthar Boubakar said, "We notice a significant increase in the dissemination of children's images, whether by parents or children themselves without awareness, and this may have serious repercussions. We must first realize that from a technical point of view, if there is a sufficient set of Images, using Deep Vic technology, can create pornographic videos for anyone, big or small, as they mount them in the form of a pornographic video that looks good technically, and this video may be shared in dark networks or via social media in closed groups. Boubacar added that "(Deep Vic) is a modern technology, the main objective of which is to develop cinematic techniques by creating videos that have not been realistically filmed...
On the dark nets, millions of stolen photos of children from all over the world are posted. Families rarely find out that someone is taking advantage of their children's photos and writing offensive sexual comments.
Opportunity to take advantage of children's photos
Boubacar explained, "One of the most prominent challenges is the issue of identifying the child's identity, and I recall here an incident years ago that caused an uproar in the media, when a criminal was arrested in the United States in possession of a large group of pornographic images of children and minors, and unfortunately they were unable to identify the identities of most of them. Victims quickly, because the majority of the children were residing outside the United States and among the first children to be identified was an Irish girl identified by her school uniform."
And she continued, "This often happens whenever a criminal is caught in possession of pedopornographic photos, and we find most of the photos of children thousands of kilometers away from him, and this is a matter that must be raised awareness for everyone who publishes photos of children, whether he is an adult or a minor. Publishing photos to the public or to unknown people gives criminals opportunity to take advantage of it. Boubacar stresses that "it is necessary to educate parents that the Internet is an open space for everyone, and that all inhabitants of the planet can access the network, and if you publish pictures of your children, they can be used for sexual and pornographic suggestions."
Dangers of the digital world
An expert in nanotechnology went on to say, "This is for adults who post pictures of their own free will. There are also pictures published by children, and here it is necessary to educate and raise awareness of the dangers of everything digital, because when a child talks to someone he does not know over the Internet, he must know He does not necessarily talk to a person of his age, and even if he is of his age group, he may stalk him and publish the pictures that he shared with him as a matter of ridicule or revenge in groups that seem to include only members of the same age group, but we often find pedographic criminals members of them with profiles fake to satisfy their criminal instinct.
The same spokeswoman stressed, "the need to educate young people about the dangers of digital piracy, and not to click on unreliable links or enter suspicious sites, which may make their phone or smart tablet with all the images and applications it contains, including operating the camera without their knowledge, controlled by a maniac criminal." of the sex of children.

Prevent young children from posting their photos
On raising children’s awareness, Boubakar said, “Educating children and keeping them as far as possible from digital applications and raising awareness among them of the dangers of sharing photos is a key basis for protecting them from those who may stalk them, for this protection from consequences that may lead to suicide, is based on awareness about the nature of digital means. awareness of the danger and even the complete prohibition of communicating with strangers over the Internet by specific age groups, monitoring of phones, smart tablets, computers, etc. by adults and providing them with anti-virus and digital spying applications, rationing of Internet connection times by young people, monitoring and preventing young children from Posting their photos or videos on social media of all kinds.
Removing child pornography is difficult
And the researcher at the European Research Center in Belgium “IMEC” added, “An antivirus and spyware must also be installed in everything that is connected to the Internet and used by children, such as smart TV, hide the TV camera and computer, delete suspicious applications, and set parental control on all the devices it uses. Children to access the Internet and control children’s use of electronic games that criminals use to hunt down their victims.

How can families delete their children's photos from dark porn websites? The expert in the field of nanotechnology answers, "Retracting child pornography if it is published is very difficult, because it is often published in dark networks and through communication techniques from one person to another. It is published on sites that use large technologies so that their geographical location is not determined and they are not pursued judicially, and for this reason Educating adults and children about the danger is better and more important than legal follow-up to professional criminals.
